PopMM - 29/06/24 00:00

[00:00] jammy out
[00:01] Cyborg out
[00:01] Cyborg in
[00:07] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[00:13] [AsG]Manl1 out
[00:17] Luxray in
[00:34] [GoD]FreeInca out
[00:36] ExLordDeath in
[00:38] [AvA]Mibbel in
[00:39] [AvA]Mibbel> hello
[00:40] Saito_Vdm in
[00:40] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:51] TakaShoka in
[00:53] TakaShoka out
[00:59] femigeek in
[00:59] femigeek out
[00:59] femigeek in
[01:02] femigeek out
[01:07] Luxray out
[01:13] Luxray in
[01:38] Luxray out
[01:46] [D]Jozef in
[01:46] [D]Jozef out
[02:17] cyborg> Yo
[02:17] cyborg> Any gays
[02:17] cyborg> :face_with_tongue:
[02:48] ruzcas in
[02:48] ruzcas out
[02:48] ruzcas in
[02:52] Saito_Vdm out
[02:52] ruzcas out
[03:14] Eggwarrior out
[03:14] Takara_Miyuki out
[03:19] MrSmokin_Hottie26> Lmaoo nah but ill let u know when jjay logs in broski :pepelove:
[03:21] Garbageman in
[03:42] Garbageman out
[03:57] ExLordDeath out
[04:51] Garbageman in
[04:53] cyborg> he's taken
[04:57] Garbageman> i work night shift secutity for pop mm
[05:11] xent in
[05:16] 00Shaman in
[05:21] 00Shaman> this lvl is fine
[05:22] 00Shaman> ok then do yggrail
[05:22] 00Shaman> or any other 1v1 map
[05:22] 00Shaman> i'm horrible here fyi haha
[05:23] Garbageman> me too man lol
[05:23] 00Shaman> wait
[05:23] 00Shaman> you hae to open 3 players
[05:23] 00Shaman> for the rotation to work
[05:23] Garbageman> nah thats old mm
[05:24] 00Shaman> old MM? like, EA days?
[05:24] 00Shaman> anyways
[05:24] 00Shaman> go ahead then
[05:26] 00Shaman> lmfao
[05:26] 00Shaman> wtf
[05:26] Garbageman> lmao
[05:26] 00Shaman> that's a first
[05:26] Garbageman> gotta wait for shaman to finish cor
[05:26] 00Shaman> nah i've never waited
[05:26] 00Shaman> that's the first time that happened
[05:26] Garbageman> before moving her
[05:26] Garbageman> people used to do that alot on fo
[05:27] Garbageman> to get to hill and cast wildies quicker
[05:27] 00Shaman> k let's go
[05:45] LOU99 in
[05:50] LoryMyto in
[05:50] LoryMyto out
[06:12] LOU99 out
[06:15] xent out
[07:12] 00Shaman> gg
[07:12] 00Shaman> too long i almost fell asleep haha time to feed my son
[07:12] Garbageman> ggs
[07:12] 00Shaman> ttyl man
[07:13] Garbageman> cya man
[07:13] Garbageman out
[07:13] 00Shaman out
[07:32] tetc in
[07:42] jammy in
[07:45] tetc out
[08:22] Power in
[08:32] DawidX in
[08:33] DawidX out
[08:37] DawidX in
[08:38] DawidX out
[08:46] DawidX in
[08:51] DawidX out
[09:24] Power out
[10:40] redgladiatrix in
[10:43] [GoD]spinnifix in
[10:52] Power in
[10:53] Power out
[10:55] Incy in
[10:55] Incy out
[10:55] Incy in
[11:27] Incy out
[11:42] [Rw]Raver in
[11:47] [Rw]Raver out
[11:50] Suslik in
[11:55] redgladiatrix out
[12:06] [GoD]spinnifix out
[12:16] Suslik out
[13:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:19] [Rw]Raver in
[13:19] [Rw]Raver out
[13:29] [D]Hawk_Tuah in
[13:52] [Rw]Raver in
[13:52] _NikitaCat in
[14:06] [GoD]spinnifix in
[14:07] [AvA]Soma- in
[14:12] _NikitaCat out
[14:13] _NikitaCat in
[14:15] christo0972 in
[14:23] Nici in
[14:26] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:28] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:28] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:28] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:37] bockwurstlaune in
[14:38] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:41] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:41] T-Rod in
[14:44] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:48] [AvA]Soma- in
[14:49] [Rw]Raver out
[14:52] [AvA]Soma- out
[14:54] _NikitaCat out
[14:59] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[14:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> dw hw here
[14:59] [GoD]spinnifix> go tom trod
[14:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> lessss goooo
[15:00] bockwurstlaune> im shit at tom
[15:00] bockwurstlaune> but ok
[15:00] [GoD]spinnifix> trod
[15:01] [Rw]Ninety in
[15:03] [AvA]Soma-> rod go 6p
[15:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> no
[15:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> wtf
[15:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> are u doing
[15:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> no
[15:05] T-Rod out
[15:05] [AvA]Soma-> bock X
[15:05] [AvA]Soma-> change host
[15:08] Cyborg out
[15:08] Cyborg in
[15:09] [Rw]FreeMatt> did u see how i made both shamens run?
[15:09] [Rw]FreeMatt> "shamens"
[15:10] bockwurstlaune> brb
[15:21] T-Rod in
[15:21] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + T-Rod vs. bockwurstlaune + [Rw]FreeMatt
[15:22] [AvA]Soma-> bock said brb
[15:23] T-Rod> ok
[15:26] Maganha_OP in
[15:26] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi maga
[15:26] [AvA]Soma-> bock afk
[15:27] Maganha_OP> hey
[15:27] [AvA]Soma-> come here
[15:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> maga and i ur favorite ?
[15:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> am i*
[15:28] [GoD]spinnifix> hi
[15:28] [GoD]spinnifix> 2v2?
[15:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> ah theyire back
[15:28] [AvA]Soma-> bock afk
[15:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> yes go
[15:28] [AvA]Soma-> let me in
[15:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick bock take soma
[15:30] [AvA]Soma-> +1 or +3
[15:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> join this game that acctually exists
[15:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> spin come join n allei cybiorg
[15:30] T-Rod> join here
[15:30] T-Rod> spin
[15:31] T-Rod> soma host
[15:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2v2
[15:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> trod allie trex
[15:32] [D]Hawk_Tuah in
[15:32] [AvA]Soma-> so 2v2?
[15:32] [AvA]Soma-> walls or another?
[15:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> walls
[15:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> run it
[15:33] [D]Hawk_Tuah out
[15:33] [AvA]Soma-> Sec
[15:34] [AvA]Soma-> Relogging
[15:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> gtfo
[15:34] [GoD]spinnifix> loool+
[15:34] [GoD]spinnifix> 3v3 go
[15:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> why so u can elave when full?
[15:35] [GoD]spinnifix> i didnt leave tho
[15:35] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[15:37] [GoD]spinnifix> nici
[15:37] [GoD]spinnifix> join
[15:38] [AvA]Soma- out
[15:39] [Rw]Ninety out
[15:39] [Rw]Ninety in
[15:39] [GoD]spinnifix> we cud 4v4 too
[15:39] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [Rw]FreeMatt + T-Rod vs. Cyborg + Maganha_OP + [GoD]spinnifix
[15:39] [AvA]Soma-> let's start this
[15:39] [AvA]Soma-> 1h to get a game
[15:39] [GoD]spinnifix> ok
[15:39] [Rw]Ninety> im down for 4v4 if jammys here
[15:39] [GoD]spinnifix> ye man
[15:40] Cyborg> id on ly need one hour to spend with you soma
[15:40] [AvA]Soma-> jammy not here probably
[15:40] [GoD]spinnifix> TS UIS
[15:40] [GoD]spinnifix> TSU Is
[15:40] Cyborg> suiiiiiiiiiiiii
[15:40] [Rw]Ninety> manito
[15:40] Cyborg> buy my book
[15:41] Maganha_OP> oi manito
[15:41] [AvA]Soma-> buy my bock
[15:41] [Rw]Ninety> td bm?
[15:41] Maganha_OP> tudo e voce?
[15:41] [Rw]Ninety> tudo
[15:41] Maganha_OP> get bock
[15:41] Maganha_OP> tsu not palyin
[15:42] bockwurstlaune> :D
[15:42] bockwurstlaune> populous the beginning
[15:42] [Rw]Ninety> make me back base pls
[15:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> Populous the End
[15:42] Cyborg> [Rw]FreeMatt> Populous the End
[15:42] Maganha_OP> parece que caiu o numero de players estes dias
[15:42] [Rw]Ninety> sim
[15:42] [Rw]Ninety> muito
[15:42] Maganha_OP> nao entro mais na semana
[15:43] [Rw]Ninety> murio pop de novo
[15:43] [Rw]Ninety> xd
[15:43] Maganha_OP> haha
[15:43] Maganha_OP> tem epocas
[15:43] Cyborg> lesbian love
[15:45] jammy out
[15:46] jammy in
[15:47] 00Shaman in
[15:58] Kayin in
[15:59] Kayin out
[15:59] Kayin in
[16:09] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[16:09] 00Shaman> j dog
[16:09] 00Shaman> wsup
[16:14] Garbageman in
[16:15] [D]Nightfury in
[16:16] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[16:16] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[16:17] 00Shaman out
[16:17] bockwurstlaune> well played cyborg
[16:18] [GoD]spinnifix> yea
[16:18] [GoD]spinnifix> ossur u played well
[16:18] Cyborg> it was 3vs1
[16:18] Cyborg> on me
[16:18] Cyborg> yeah thanks
[16:18] Cyborg> im fast
[16:18] [GoD]spinnifix> i know
[16:18] [GoD]spinnifix> i saw
[16:18] Cyborg> not faster than you spin
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> lets go another big game?
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> soma open spots or trod host whatever
[16:18] Cyborg> thig is when they 3vs1 on you, other allies can attack nonstop :D
[16:19] christo0972> risk/reward not so good ossur
[16:20] Cyborg> im a noob compared to most players
[16:21] T-Rod> map ?
[16:21] T-Rod> töm?Å
[16:21] bockwurstlaune> tom?
[16:21] [AvA]Soma-> ok tom
[16:21] bockwurstlaune> trod and spinn big rest random?
[16:22] T-Rod> spin dont like that
[16:22] T-Rod> i do best
[16:22] Cyborg> christo take my spot
[16:22] christo0972> play
[16:22] [GoD]spinnifix> jjay join
[16:23] [AvA]JJaydenn> for what 8p tom lol
[16:23] T-Rod> do any map u want
[16:23] Maganha_OP> gg nabs
[16:23] Maganha_OP> fun gam
[16:24] [GoD]spinnifix> ye what map jjay
[16:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> go urmm ygg
[16:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> mana
[16:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> gin tonic
[16:24] [GoD]spinnifix> mana is fine
[16:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> not played that sic ass map in time
[16:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> gin tonic gogog
[16:24] [GoD]spinnifix> ok who islands
[16:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> me
[16:25] T-Rod> dont put soma and hw same team
[16:25] [AvA]Soma-> why?
[16:25] [GoD]spinnifix> why not
[16:25] T-Rod> finje
[16:25] [AvA]Soma-> dude im not the noobest in this hut
[16:25] [GoD]spinnifix> we can mix then
[16:25] christo0972> lol
[16:25] [AvA]JJaydenn> trod tf come
[16:25] T-Rod> not in the mood doing shit teams with spin nonstop
[16:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> any team
[16:26] [GoD]spinnifix> i wasnt even host last gamne
[16:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> lets see teams
[16:26] [AvA]Soma-> dude maybe drank too much beer
[16:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> come
[16:26] [GoD]spinnifix> you were host and chose them
[16:26] [GoD]spinnifix> lmfao
[16:26] [GoD]spinnifix> not my fault you backdoor all the time and lose because of it all the time
[16:26] [GoD]spinnifix> tf
[16:26] [AvA]Soma-> that bd was lame and made us lose the game
[16:26] [GoD]spinnifix> we dont know why he does it
[16:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> any decent player can couter a bd its really not hard
[16:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> they make new path for both and waste mana
[16:27] [AvA]JJaydenn> early bds retarded asf only works on idiots or weak minded players
[16:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea
[16:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> trods goen retarded
[16:27] [GoD]spinnifix> babo says it could be autism
[16:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> join R-Rod
[16:28] [Rw]Ninety> spin u host
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> spin host
[16:28] [GoD]umadbroo in
[16:28] [GoD]spinnifix> :nice:
[16:28] christo0972> is my seat free here ?
[16:28] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + [Rw]Ninety + [Rw]FreeMatt + [AvA]Soma- vs. bockwurstlaune + [AvA]JJaydenn + christo0972 + Kayin
[16:28] [AvA]JJaydenn> Rw]FreeMatt + bockwurstlaune + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]Ninety vs. [GoD]spinnifix + christo0972 + [AvA]Soma- + Kayin
[16:29] [GoD]spinnifix> holy shit
[16:29] [GoD]spinnifix> lol
[16:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> oo
[16:29] [GoD]spinnifix> thats a bit unfair isnt it
[16:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> man with christo pretty hard
[16:29] [Rw]Ninety> gogo italy switzerland starting in 30
[16:29] [AvA]Soma-> yes
[16:29] [AvA]Soma-> gogo
[16:29] [AvA]Soma-> i have to watch euro
[16:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> what about
[16:29] [GoD]spinnifix> sess?
[16:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> me spin soma christo?
[16:29] [GoD]spinnifix> :nice:
[16:29] [AvA]Soma-> yes more fair
[16:30] [GoD]spinnifix> map?
[16:30] [Rw]Ninety> the 2 shamans on the same team
[16:30] [AvA]Soma-> we have the warr rank
[16:30] [Rw]Ninety> im not a war rank for 3 points
[16:30] [Rw]Ninety> w.e just start i wanna watch the game
[16:30] jstkruzen in
[16:30] [AvA]Soma-> spin start now
[16:30] [AvA]Soma-> walls too
[16:30] [AvA]Soma-> idm
[16:31] [GoD]Intrepid in
[16:31] [AvA]Soma-> oh god
[16:31] christo0972> take my site bianca
[16:32] [GoD]Intrepid> hi christo
[16:32] [GoD]Intrepid> not playing
[16:32] christo0972> hmm
[16:32] [AvA]Soma-> christo bianca probably already engaged
[16:32] [AvA]Soma-> no need to be gentleman
[16:32] christo0972> ok sry
[16:32] [GoD]Intrepid> engaged in football soon :ohyes:
[16:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> she is with koopa
[16:32] christo0972> XD
[16:32] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[16:33] [GoD]Intrepid> oh omg what did yu guys do to make koopa shaman again
[16:37] poseidon256 in
[16:38] poseidon256 out
[16:44] power> wtf
[16:50] Dendix_9 in
[16:53] merciless1 in
[16:54] merciless1> if isnt my best frend trod :nice:
[16:55] merciless1> he wud never block anyone
[16:55] merciless1> such a nais guy
[16:55] [GoD]Intrepid> sho look
[16:55] [D]Hawk_Tuah> spit on that thang
[16:55] [GoD]Intrepid> koopa is shaman again
[16:55] merciless1> i see him as a fw here lol
[16:55] [D]Hawk_Tuah> he's fokin pro that's why
[16:55] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[16:56] [D]Hawk_Tuah> time to lose delax
[16:56] [GoD]Intrepid> no :angry:
[16:57] [D]Hawk_Tuah> do u hate ur neighbours bianca
[16:57] [D]Hawk_Tuah> swiss
[16:57] [GoD]Intrepid> italy my neighbour too
[16:57] [GoD]Intrepid> :nice:
[16:57] [D]Hawk_Tuah> true
[16:57] [D]Hawk_Tuah> your country likes them more?
[16:58] [GoD]Intrepid> for holidays yes :kek:
[16:58] [D]Hawk_Tuah> austria on fire this cup tho
[16:58] [GoD]Intrepid> ikr <3
[16:59] [GoD]umadbroo out
[17:01] merciless1> ahh trod finally unblocked :)))
[17:01] merciless1> lmaoooo the kick
[17:01] merciless1> :joy:
[17:02] [GoD]Intrepid> sho cheating to join hut gg the desperation
[17:05] merciless1> :pepeohyes:
[17:06] merciless1> another kick LOL
[17:06] merciless1> rod be like "how the fuk is this guy joining!?!? *checks if player is actually blocked* "
[17:06] merciless1> :topkek:
[17:10] merciless1> i can join whenever i want cos im mod trod :nice:
[17:10] [GoD]Intrepid> in your dreams
[17:10] [GoD]Intrepid> i wonder if you could actually
[17:11] [GoD]Intrepid> kick inca out of your hut
[17:11] merciless1> sure tell him to join one
[17:11] merciless1> i'll gladly kick
[17:11] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:11] merciless1> :ezy:
[17:12] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:13] [GoD]spinnifix> gg
[17:13] [GoD]spinnifix> damn jjayden
[17:13] merciless1> spin
[17:13] merciless1> trod is kicking
[17:13] [GoD]spinnifix> we almost made u great again
[17:13] merciless1> 7 years old mode ativated
[17:13] [GoD]spinnifix> yes im blocked too
[17:13] merciless1> lul.
[17:13] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[17:13] [GoD]spinnifix> lmfao
[17:13] merciless1> imaigne blockin on such a scarce as fk community + who the fk cares bout the shit said in here
[17:13] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all
[17:13] [GoD]Intrepid> hi tank
[17:14] merciless1> just play, or are u actually 7 years old
[17:14] merciless1> lmfao
[17:14] merciless1> hey Tanke
[17:14] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi Sho
[17:14] [AvA]JJaydenn> my bad spin was bad idea to side that early lol
[17:14] merciless1> big jjay
[17:14] merciless1> join
[17:14] [AvA]JJaydenn> but u shouldnt of went chasing there shamans man wtf
[17:15] [GoD]spinnifix> i had to
[17:15] [GoD]spinnifix> wessex would fall otherwise
[17:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> ? they still used all spells it was pointless u being there at that point
[17:15] [Rw]FreeMatt> spin
[17:15] merciless1> hf with no game trod, keep being a fkin 7 years old :nice:Ç
[17:15] [Rw]FreeMatt> iw as too good
[17:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> stop a FS
[17:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> stoll*
[17:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> from jj
[17:16] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye big hw played good
[17:16] merciless1> jjay join
[17:16] merciless1> common boii common boii DANCE!
[17:16] merciless1> :peped:Ç
[17:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> soon
[17:17] [GoD]Intrepid> Ç
[17:17] merciless1> soonTM
[17:17] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Soon©
[17:17] merciless1> luv it when ppl blocks n yet i dun give 2 shits n join their hut
[17:18] merciless1> forcefullly :nice:
[17:18] merciless1> with secret technique of the hidden leaf
[17:18] [Rw]FreeMatt> 3v3?
[17:18] merciless1> fk u no-jutsu
[17:18] jammy out
[17:19] [Rw]FreeMatt> lets wait for that non existent 7th and 8th?
[17:19] jammy in
[17:20] [GoD]Intrepid> :ohyes:
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> lmfao trod
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> can insult but cant take insults
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> so bad
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> seriously
[17:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> is roddy really that mad abotu hsi bad bd?
[17:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> roddy it was one game
[17:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> come lose another
[17:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> tank are you last TDM tag?
[17:23] bockwurstlaune> i swear my neighboor sucks so hard
[17:24] bockwurstlaune> hes on construction site every saturday and got zero progress
[17:24] [Rw]FreeMatt> how come
[17:24] bockwurstlaune> but is allways loud as fuck
[17:24] Dendix_9 out
[17:24] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[17:24] merciless1 out
[17:24] [GoD]Intrepid> sho got kicked out of mm gg
[17:24] merciless1 in
[17:25] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> no. There is also Slayer I see sometimtes
[17:26] [GoD]Intrepid> dw moores will play agian too in some years
[17:28] LOU99 in
[17:28] Luxray in
[17:28] [GoD]Intrepid> lol lou insta joining spins hut
[17:28] [GoD]Intrepid> :thinking:
[17:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol at spin ruining our chances for 3v3
[17:30] [GoD]Intrepid> you could have rn :nice:
[17:30] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g9T9J8gO7w Lou?
[17:30] LOU99 out
[17:30] [GoD]Intrepid> lol i never heard that one from rednex
[17:30] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I remember it from approx 15 years ago lol
[17:31] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[17:31] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Released on: 1994-08-12 or more >D
[17:31] [GoD]Intrepid> :D
[17:32] [GoD]Intrepid> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOYZaiDZ7BM
[17:32] [GoD]Intrepid> always been my fav
[17:32] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah... same album
[17:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> that's one of the must haves for singing kareokee
[17:33] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao ye
[17:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I have this 3 in my repertoire: Cotton Eye Joy, Bohemian Rhapsody, Thriller
[17:35] [GoD]Intrepid> thriller is a nice one too
[17:35] [GoD]Intrepid> queen was never my thing
[17:35] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> :S
[17:35] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:36] Maganha_OP out
[17:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> im out here turnin tricks
[17:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> yall playin wiht dicks
[17:37] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I remember both when I woke up my family when I was around 15 and someone from skype or something challenged if I can sing Bohemian Rhapsody really in MM
[17:37] [GoD]Intrepid> :ohyes: hw
[17:37] [GoD]Intrepid> LOL tank
[17:37] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> and the first time I saw Bohemian Rhapsody on MTV
[17:37] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> my jaws were dropped
[17:37] [GoD]Intrepid> good old mtv :kek:
[17:38] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> lool. Sure
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> next time you are on discord you sing that :heheboi:
[17:38] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> lol
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> omg
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> tf is italy doing
[17:38] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I was there yesterday
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> but i didnt know about you singing yesterday :>
[17:39] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> la donnai mobile >D
[17:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> ye hw?
[17:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> u siad my name
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> ye you said we play with dicks
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> and i said :ohyes:
[17:39] [GoD]spinnifix> so ein lw spiel
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> alter italien
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> enttäuschend
[17:41] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> there was a stand up commedy. Guy said> We were so poor family back then, if I don't born boy I would have nothing to play with
[17:41] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[17:41] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> we were flying from Venice with the connection of Munich. I love Lufthansa
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> i love lufthansa too
[17:42] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> they waited for us even when the air dolomiti delayed 2 hours
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[17:42] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> so we sprinted like fuck to get the connection
[17:42] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> and they opened the gate with key in last sec
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> lucky you xd
[17:42] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> around 23:30
[17:43] [GoD]Intrepid> imagine missing flight at 23:30
[17:43] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[17:43] merciless1> trod quit being retarded n join
[17:43] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah. We were basically given up on life
[17:44] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[17:44] [GoD]spinnifix> lmao man
[17:44] [GoD]spinnifix> this guy
[17:44] [GoD]spinnifix> seriously
[17:44] [GoD]spinnifix> what the fuck
[17:44] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> in Marco Polo they had no-one at the help point
[17:44] [GoD]Intrepid> :o
[17:45] [GoD]spinnifix> hw join
[17:45] [GoD]spinnifix> wtf
[17:45] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> like I couldn't even ask what happens now. Do we sleep in the Terminal?
[17:45] [GoD]spinnifix> no1 will join ur bad host
[17:45] [GoD]Intrepid> lucky if they let you stay in airport
[17:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> even if we sleep in the Terminal can we swap our tickets to the first one in the morning?
[17:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> we were left clueless
[17:46] [GoD]Intrepid> ye sucks
[17:46] [GoD]Intrepid> doesnt help knowing you might get refund later
[17:46] merciless1> SHITS DED AS FKKK
[17:46] merciless1> RIP POP !?!? :YE:
[17:47] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> and basically we could just take some any alternative route. The Munich connection was as far as from Budapest as Venice
[17:47] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:48] [GoD]Intrepid> i gues no direct flight?
[17:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I haven't find any other way to fly to Venice. Like I filtered out the ones taking 5+ hours
[17:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah
[17:48] [GoD]Intrepid> ahhh
[17:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I think the problem was searching for Marco Polo instead of Traviosa
[17:49] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Traviosa is a little bit farer from Venice, but direct train route
[17:50] [GoD]Intrepid> i dont find it on maps lol
[17:50] merciless1> n who the fkin fk fkin cares bout all this chitchat anyway
[17:50] merciless1> fkin join n gimmie a game n stfu wtFFFFFFFFF
[17:50] [GoD]Intrepid> me :)
[17:51] [GoD]Intrepid> no i watch football
[17:51] [GoD]Intrepid> watching italy lose :kek:
[17:51] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> *Traviso
[17:51] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> *Treviso
[17:52] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:53] [GoD]Intrepid> well depends how long it takes
[17:53] [GoD]Intrepid> from Trevisio to venice
[17:55] christo0972> gg
[17:56] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> 40 min approx
[17:56] [GoD]Intrepid> thats not too bad
[17:56] merciless1> thats terrible
[17:56] merciless1> long ass life-ending time
[17:56] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah. Shorter than what we wait for the connection in Munich on paper
[17:57] christo0972 out
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> i would need 3 hours about to go to munich
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> by train
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> so if i wanna fly to the usa
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> i rather fly from home via frankfurt
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> cuz i live basically at the airport :kek:
[17:58] [GoD]Intrepid> munich would be direct flight tho
[17:58] [D]Jozef> Sho es puta?
[17:58] [GoD]Intrepid> :monkastab:
[17:58] merciless1> no, esa es tu madre :kekyou:
[17:59] adray_tsi in
[18:00] adray_tsi out
[18:02] [D]Jozef in
[18:02] [GoD]Intrepid> :feelsbagman:
[18:02] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[18:02] [GoD]FreeInca> Game?
[18:02] [GoD]Intrepid> maybe
[18:02] [GoD]FreeInca> Joseph es puta
[18:02] [GoD]Intrepid> if you come out of basement
[18:02] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:02] [D]Jozef> Chichis es mi negro amigo :red_heart:
[18:03] [GoD]FreeInca> Yes negro
[18:03] OpTeo in
[18:04] [D]Jozef> damn hw fell from grace already
[18:04] OpTeo out
[18:04] [D]Jozef> back to lowly preach
[18:04] [GoD]Intrepid> and koopa shaman
[18:04] [GoD]Intrepid> :yikes:
[18:04] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[18:05] Cyborg> v rising
[18:06] Cyborg> does anyone play that game ?
[18:06] Cyborg> i bought it yesterday on steam
[18:06] [GoD]FreeInca in
[18:07] [D]Jozef> yo mi hermoso
[18:07] [D]Jozef> tu eres bien?
[18:07] Cyborg> yo
[18:07] [GoD]FreeInca> tu mi hermoso
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[18:07] [D]Jozef> tu eres brusco
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> goal for switzerland again
[18:08] [GoD]FreeInca> go basement bian
[18:08] [GoD]Intrepid> gladly
[18:08] [D]Hawk_Tuah out
[18:08] [GoD]Intrepid> its not hot down there
[18:08] [GoD]spinnifix> 33 hier alter
[18:09] [GoD]spinnifix> join
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> 32 hier
[18:09] Cyborg> nici come back
[18:09] OpTeo in
[18:09] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> 32
[18:09] OpTeo out
[18:09] OpTeo in
[18:10] merciless1 out
[18:10] bockwurstlaune out
[18:11] merciless1 in
[18:11] merciless1 out
[18:11] merciless1 in
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao almost own goal
[18:13] [Rw]Ninety> :bian:
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> :90:
[18:14] [Rw]Ninety> game isnt on tv here for some reason
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> :o
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> lol you only miss
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> how italy sucks
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> i can stream :>
[18:15] [GoD]Intrepid> but would be super delayed for you lol
[18:15] [D]Jozef> ninety :monkastab:
[18:15] Garbageman out
[18:15] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I'm still listening to the Rednex album >D
[18:15] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:15] [GoD]Intrepid> :nice:
[18:16] [Rw]Ninety> nvm found it
[18:16] [Rw]Ninety> 2-0
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> ye lmao
[18:16] [Rw]Ninety> italians suck
[18:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> anyway. There is a chance of dying of hunger here...
[18:16] Cyborg> lol tank
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> if they wouldnt have donnaruma that would be even worse
[18:17] [Rw]Ninety> ossur says u dont like me bian
[18:17] [Rw]Ninety> [14:14] Cyborg> i think she doesnt like you
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> ossur is lying
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> why would i not like you?
[18:17] Cyborg> im telling the truth
[18:17] Cyborg> because u dont like him
[18:17] [D]Jozef> Ossur meant Joseph**
[18:17] [Rw]Ninety> im very not likeable
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> take your pills ossur
[18:17] Cyborg> and thats a shame
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> wow joseph loool
[18:17] [Rw]Ninety> joe bad
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> nicest guy out there and i shouldnt like him
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> :thinking:
[18:17] [Rw]Ninety> joe i saw ur performance on the debate
[18:18] [Rw]Ninety> u gotta drop u old man
[18:18] Cyborg> lolol
[18:18] Cyborg> plus 1
[18:18] Cyborg> spin
[18:18] Cyborg> wana do 3c3
[18:18] [D]Jozef> better than a criminal
[18:18] Cyborg> 3x3
[18:18] [D]Jozef> but would rather neither of them
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> oh lmao the president thing?
[18:18] [D]Jozef> ye
[18:18] [Rw]Ninety> they are both terrible im astonished both parties cant offer anything better
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> well biden is senile
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> idk what you guys want with him
[18:19] Cyborg> ninety how old are you?
[18:19] [D]Jozef> He has done well in his first term
[18:19] [Rw]Ninety> 90
[18:19] Cyborg> bianca told me your 9
[18:19] [Rw]Ninety> ofc
[18:19] [D]Jozef> imo
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:19] Cyborg> 90 is old
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> not as old as koopa tho :kek:
[18:19] [Rw]Ninety> younger than koopa
[18:19] Cyborg> how do you know
[18:19] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[18:19] [D]Jozef> but i agree he seems to be on the decline lol
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> looool
[18:19] [Rw]Ninety> [14:19] [D]Jozef> He has done well in his first term
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> oh trust me ossur i do know :_>
[18:19] [Rw]Ninety> define well
[18:19] Cyborg> ok
[18:19] OpTeo> guys how it starts?
[18:19] merciless1> dayum trod is back to his sneses :nice:
[18:20] merciless1> senses*
[18:20] [Rw]Ninety> he seems awful to me but im not really paying attention
[18:20] [D]Jozef> Our economy is doing great still
[18:20] merciless1> ooooooololollo
[18:20] Cyborg> j oin here
[18:20] Cyborg> op
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> you have to wait for full hut Op
[18:20] [D]Jozef> prices moderating
[18:20] [Rw]Ninety> other than all the homeless i saw in cali last year
[18:20] [D]Jozef> unemployment low
[18:20] [D]Jozef> job growth etc
[18:20] Cyborg> opteo
[18:20] Cyborg> here
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> joseph prices in nyc were baddddd
[18:20] Cyborg> join OPTEO
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> compared to here at least
[18:20] [D]Jozef> there will always be homeless in usa
[18:20] OpTeo> ok thanks u.. im new here
[18:20] [D]Jozef> when profits come first it happens
[18:20] Power in
[18:20] [Rw]Ninety> :power:
[18:20] [D]Jozef> and yes Bian but NYC has always been very expensive
[18:20] Power> yooo
[18:20] [D]Jozef> that's nothing new lol
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> lol ok
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> hi power
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> :light:
[18:21] Power> Hello
[18:21] Cyborg> im below you opteo
[18:21] Cyborg> join
[18:21] Power> lots of huts
[18:21] Power> which one to join
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> yes and no games
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[18:21] Power> lololol
[18:21] OpTeo> done
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> power get ready :>
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> for tuesday
[18:21] Power> ye
[18:21] [Rw]Ninety> im just gonna say when trump was pres there were no stupid wars anywhere
[18:21] Power> i will
[18:21] Power> watch it
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:21] Power> on and off
[18:21] [D]Jozef> I would vote for a log befor i voted trump tho
[18:21] [Rw]Ninety> coincidence or not idk
[18:21] Power> not full match ofc
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> yes 90
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> exactly
[18:21] Power> hell no
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> i will watch full
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> maybe even at public viewing
[18:22] Power> damm
[18:22] Power> nice
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> gonna dress up in red white red
[18:22] [D]Jozef> Hmm coincidence imo
[18:22] Power> i hate public veiew
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> :flag_at:
[18:22] Power> i hate football fanatics
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> well me too but this time
[18:22] [D]Jozef> if anything trump caused friction not peace
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> might be interesting
[18:22] Power> yes
[18:22] Power> sure it would be
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:22] Power> but in my country people are too stupid to handle
[18:22] [GoD]spinnifix> +2
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> well tbh
[18:22] Power> i neevr go outside when tehre is a match
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> if turkey loses
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> there will be a lot of heat
[18:22] [Rw]Ninety> join joe
[18:23] Power> all drunk stupid s
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> better leave public viewing before end of game lol
[18:23] [Rw]Ninety> enforce the circle
[18:23] Power> lol
[18:23] [D]Jozef> ill pass
[18:23] Power> is there also lots of turks in autria?
[18:23] Power> austria*
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> spin for the 3rd time i watch football
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> yes power
[18:23] Power> i know germany is ours
[18:23] [Rw]Ninety> games over bian
[18:23] [Rw]Ninety> ome
[18:23] [Rw]Ninety> come
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:23] Power> LOL
[18:23] [Rw]Ninety> italians are terrible
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> there you go
[18:23] Power> but not sure austria
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> yes they are
[18:23] Power> i had italian teacher
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> austria got too
[18:24] Power> was the worst i have had
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> some cities have a lot
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> hallein
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> if i go to hallein on tuesday
[18:24] Power> here we go
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> ill end up be beaten up lol
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> if turkey loses :>
[18:24] Power> LOL
[18:24] T-Rod> im mid cs need 5 min
[18:24] [GoD]spinnifix> T-Rod + [GoD]spinnifix + Kayin + [Rw]Ninety vs. [AvA]JJaydenn + Power + merciless1 + [GoD]FreeInca
[18:24] Power> ye taht s what i mean
[18:24] Power> why makeing chaos hwen lsoe
[18:24] Power> or win right
[18:24] Power> jsut celebrate wtf
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> its like on pop :>
[18:24] Power> people are soo dumb
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> well austria is good this euro cup
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> so i think they will win
[18:25] T-Rod> me and spin bigs
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> but who knows
[18:25] Power> last time i was in subway and there was a match , lots of guys drinking bear etc
[18:25] T-Rod> jjay who bigs?
[18:25] Power> cant bare
[18:25] Power> hate it
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> are they allowed to even?
[18:25] Power> no
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> by religion?
[18:25] Power> thats the problem
[18:25] merciless1> wait bruv
[18:25] T-Rod> drinking bear lol
[18:25] [GoD]Intrepid> thought so :kekyou:
[18:25] Power> well
[18:25] merciless1> i want spin my team .nice:
[18:26] merciless1> :nice:
[18:26] Power> the thing is
[18:26] [GoD]Intrepid> ye trod imagine
[18:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> no doing pp these teams go walls
[18:26] [GoD]Intrepid> someone stream
[18:26] [GoD]Intrepid> jjay stream plz
[18:26] Power> many foreigners have wrong knowledge about turkey
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> looooool
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> jay
[18:26] Power> thats one of them
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> iam streaming bianca
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> fuck jjays
[18:26] Power> most of the turkey drinks
[18:26] [GoD]Intrepid> lol ok
[18:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> no 1 wants to watch ur cocain gameplay spin
[18:26] [GoD]Intrepid> LOL
[18:26] T-Rod> k what spots u want
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> olololol
[18:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> 99 percent speed 1 percent iq
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> what spots jjay
[18:26] [GoD]spinnifix> sounds like u
[18:27] [GoD]spinnifix> hey guys lets double
[18:27] [GoD]Intrepid> at least this match doesnt look like it will end in penalty shooting
[18:27] [GoD]spinnifix> :excellent:
[18:27] [GoD]Intrepid> so i can play berfore next game
[18:27] Power> lol
[18:27] Power> well i havent watched and dont know
[18:27] [AvA]JJaydenn> hey guys lets go chase shamans in 8p games all day and think its more challenging than a 2v2
[18:27] Cyborg> OPTEO
[18:27] [AvA]JJaydenn> fucking spanner man
[18:27] Power> but who is beter do you think?
[18:27] Cyborg> join
[18:27] Cyborg> mate
[18:27] [GoD]Intrepid> you just miss how bad italy is
[18:27] Power> better
[18:27] [GoD]spinnifix> jay that walls game i was alone at front lol
[18:27] [GoD]Intrepid> better who
[18:27] [GoD]spinnifix> do you want me to let you pass
[18:27] [GoD]spinnifix> :D
[18:27] OpTeo> cyborg thanks you mate
[18:27] Power> austria or turkey
[18:27] [GoD]Intrepid> austria <3
[18:27] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude all u do is chase shamans lol
[18:27] Cyborg> thanks for the remark
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> and some of your players wont play
[18:28] [GoD]spinnifix> oh isthat so
[18:28] [AvA]JJaydenn> u barley ever take risk unless enemy is like 50 percent damaged
[18:28] Power> i dont know players etc
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> due to yellow cards
[18:28] T-Rod> so walls?
[18:28] [AvA]JJaydenn> and u cry cos when i take risk i fuck up ur ally
[18:28] [GoD]spinnifix> sounds like u jjay
[18:28] Power> and ye
[18:28] [AvA]JJaydenn> bet that pisses u off
[18:28] Power> that stupid guys
[18:28] Power> cant control anger
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> loool
[18:28] Power> and make us lose
[18:28] [GoD]spinnifix> oh wreally
[18:28] T-Rod> spots
[18:28] Power> dumbs
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> 11 yellow cards that game loool
[18:28] Power> in 1 game
[18:28] Power> ?
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[18:28] merciless1> ok gimme spin trod n jjay
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[18:28] merciless1> fair enuff
[18:28] Power> is that even legal
[18:28] Power> lmfo
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> both teams tho
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> but still lmao
[18:28] Power> jsut quit football
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[18:29] merciless1> but we got noobiest
[18:29] merciless1> trod :nice_:
[18:29] Power> trod
[18:29] Power> lets go
[18:29] Power> dont have much time
[18:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> sho power front
[18:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> me center
[18:29] Power> i go front ye
[18:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> freenoob behind me
[18:29] [GoD]Intrepid> man thats a gg right there
[18:29] [GoD]spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:29] [GoD]Intrepid> will watch football and stream
[18:29] [GoD]Intrepid> ty spin
[18:29] Power> nice
[18:29] [GoD]spinnifix> npnp
[18:29] [D]Jozef> chichi mi hermoso
[18:29] Power> now i will habdle spins as front
[18:29] Power> i will try*
[18:30] T-Rod> my cs round still going need 5 min
[18:30] [D]Jozef> ninety es mi enemigo
[18:30] Power> ok
[18:30] Power> bye then
[18:30] Power> any 1v1
[18:30] Power> host me
[18:30] [D]Jozef> bianca es mi madre
[18:30] [Rw]Ninety> joe es mi mejor amigo
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> es mi wut?
[18:30] [Rw]Ninety> dsps del negro de chichis
[18:30] [D]Jozef> :V
[18:30] Maganha_OP in
[18:30] Power> yoo mag mag
[18:30] Power> wanna 1v1?
[18:30] [GoD]FreeInca> mm bian
[18:30] [GoD]FreeInca> mom
[18:30] [D]Jozef> tres amigos?
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[18:31] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> sounds about right :kek:
[18:31] Maganha_OP> hey, not playing atm
[18:31] Power> ok
[18:31] [GoD]FreeInca> is my suggar bianca
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> ?
[18:31] [D]Jozef> love all this game action today
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> ye lmao
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> 10 people in huts
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> no game
[18:31] [Rw]Ninety> hw is playing something else btw
[18:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> pick base power
[18:32] [Rw]Ninety> u aint going nowhere in his hut
[18:32] [D]Jozef> i am too
[18:32] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:32] Power> red
[18:32] Power> and ye jj is here you noobs
[18:32] Power> guy is down for any game
[18:32] [GoD]Intrepid> gl hf guys
[18:32] Power> pro af
[18:32] [GoD]Intrepid> ye he is
[18:32] [GoD]Intrepid> he is a legit pro imo
[18:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> u see spin
[18:32] [GoD]Intrepid> guy plays everything
[18:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> aint no 1 calling u a pro like this
[18:32] [Rw]Ninety> jj only second to hw
[18:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> and u been here 10x longer
[18:33] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[18:33] [D]Jozef> ye jjay is good
[18:33] [AvA]JJaydenn> :good:
[18:33] [D]Jozef> even tho i talk shit to him
[18:33] [D]Jozef> he will play any and not complain or ditch
[18:33] [GoD]Intrepid> ^^
[18:33] Power> true
[18:35] merciless1> aaand its gone
[18:36] [GoD]spinnifix> LOOOOOOL
[18:36] [GoD]spinnifix> shogun
[18:36] [GoD]spinnifix> what do you say to that
[18:36] [GoD]spinnifix> explain in few words
[18:37] [GoD]Eric in
[18:37] [GoD]spinnifix> you could 1v1 eric shogun
[18:37] T-Rod> ok letsgo
[18:37] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:37] T-Rod> +7
[18:38] [GoD]Eric out
[18:38] [GoD]Eric in
[18:39] T-Rod> i hear shogun very gud 1 v 1
[18:40] [D]Jozef> guy was shaman recently
[18:40] [D]Jozef> from 1v1
[18:40] merciless1> cba
[18:40] merciless1> join eric
[18:42] T-Rod> +2 insta game
[18:42] T-Rod> no whining just pure play
[18:42] [GoD]Intrepid> :good:
[18:42] T-Rod> +2
[18:42] T-Rod> insta launch
[18:42] T-Rod> with super gud or unfair teams
[18:42] T-Rod> but insta launch
[18:42] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:43] [GoD]Eric> 2v2 would be better
[18:43] [GoD]spinnifix> loooool
[18:44] [GoD]Intrepid> kk italy will lose anyway
[18:44] [GoD]Intrepid> gimme a min tho
[18:44] [Rw]Ninety> INSTA LAUNCH
[18:44] [GoD]FreeInca> ANASHEI
[18:44] [GoD]spinnifix> T-Rod + jammy + [GoD]Intrepid + Kayin vs. [Rw]Ninety + [GoD]spinnifix + merciless1 + [GoD]FreeInca
[18:44] [Rw]Ninety> DONT EVEN ROTATE GOGO
[18:44] [GoD]spinnifix> go walls
[18:45] [GoD]Intrepid> lollllll
[18:45] [GoD]Intrepid> ye go walls and get joseph or eric
[18:46] [GoD]spinnifix> diff map then
[18:46] [Rw]Ninety> im very dissapointed with this insta launch politic not happening
[18:46] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:46] [D]Jozef> false advertising
[18:46] [GoD]FreeInca> :zzz:
[18:46] [D]Jozef> no insta launch
[18:46] [D]Jozef> you may be entitled to compensation
[18:46] [Rw]Ninety> ill take some finish currency
[18:46] T-Rod> spots?
[18:46] [D]Jozef> call 1800-jos-eph1
[18:46] adray_tsi in
[18:46] [GoD]Intrepid> eric
[18:46] [GoD]Intrepid> your turn
[18:47] [GoD]FreeInca> nope
[18:47] [GoD]spinnifix> rod bianca not doing walls
[18:47] T-Rod> ok i do pp
[18:47] [GoD]Intrepid> or tom
[18:47] [GoD]spinnifix> ok tom
[18:47] [GoD]Intrepid> ye go tom
[18:47] [GoD]Intrepid> ?
[18:47] [GoD]Intrepid> didnt play in ages
[18:47] T-Rod> i can do
[18:47] [Rw]Ninety> time to touch spins wood
[18:47] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:47] [GoD]spinnifix> dude
[18:47] [GoD]Intrepid> how that sounds :kek:
[18:48] [GoD]spinnifix> dont touch my trees and we win
[18:48] [GoD]spinnifix> easy
[18:48] Cyborg out
[18:48] Cyborg in
[18:48] [GoD]spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:49] [AvA]Soma- in
[18:49] Cyborg> soma
[18:49] Cyborg> host+
[18:49] Cyborg> ?
[18:50] Cyborg> walls
[18:50] [AvA]Soma-> ok but now
[18:50] [AvA]Soma-> i have 40 mins
[18:50] Cyborg> i learned a new trick
[18:50] Cyborg> to make alot of mana
[18:50] OpTeo out
[18:50] Cyborg> send 2 wood to hust before constructing them , then when they are built gather 2 wood to each hut again
[18:50] Cyborg> and they will upgrade 3x faster
[18:51] Cyborg> i had 180 pop in 15 mninutes
[18:51] Cyborg> læol
[18:51] Cyborg> lol
[18:51] Cyborg> gonna test my manan on walls
[18:51] Cyborg> i think trod knows this trick
[18:52] [AvA]Soma-> nobody joins
[18:52] [AvA]Soma-> so gg
[18:54] Saito_Vdm in
[18:55] Saito_Vdm> Launch game failed
[18:56] nullsechsneun_OP> damn
[18:56] nullsechsneun_OP> italy so fucking shit lmfao
[18:56] nullsechsneun_OP> worse gameplay than england
[18:57] Babo in
[19:11] Power> gg wp jj
[19:11] Power> was fun
[19:11] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye gg was tough game tbf had to camp abit
[19:11] Power> ye
[19:12] Power> i lost my interest after that
[19:12] Power> but still
[19:12] Power> was fun
[19:12] [AvA]JJaydenn> at 1 point i think ur torn took roof off my fw hut and i had 2 fws left i was like shittttt lool
[19:12] [AvA]JJaydenn> but dont think u had spells
[19:12] Power> ye
[19:12] Power> it did
[19:12] Power> i was empty tho
[19:12] Power> used my eq at front
[19:13] Power> anyway
[19:13] Power> gn
[19:13] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye i got lucky there
[19:13] Power> cyl
[19:13] Power out
[19:13] [AvA]JJaydenn> gg
[19:16] Saito_Vdm> ?
[19:16] Saito_Vdm> 000
[19:16] Cyborg> ?
[19:16] Cyborg> what
[19:16] Cyborg> happened
[19:16] Saito_Vdm> ??
[19:16] [AvA]Soma-> My PC died
[19:16] [AvA]Soma-> Sorry
[19:16] Saito_Vdm> okok
[19:16] Cyborg> rip
[19:16] Cyborg> :D
[19:17] Saito_Vdm> i though it was mine
[19:17] Cyborg> se
[19:17] Cyborg> see
[19:17] Cyborg> it works
[19:17] Saito_Vdm> cuz of heavy storm
[19:17] [AvA]Soma-> It rebooted
[19:17] [GoD]Intrepid> and for this i missed lst 10 min of football
[19:17] [AvA]Soma-> Yeah
[19:17] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[19:17] Cyborg> send 2 braves with wood on hut plans before they constructed, then when they are constructed 100% then send 2 wood to hut again
[19:17] Cyborg> This will make u upgrade huts 3x faster!
[19:18] [AvA]Soma-> Ossur you have to make more fws
[19:18] Cyborg> i had 150 population in 13 min
[19:18] Cyborg> yeah
[19:18] Cyborg> i was testing my trick
[19:18] jammy> soz team, was freezing mad
[19:19] [AvA]Soma-> On 4way Is nothing special
[19:19] Cyborg> soma
[19:19] Cyborg> host wals
[19:19] [AvA]Soma-> Your base was untouched and you had 169 pop in the end
[19:19] Cyborg> yeah
[19:19] Cyborg> i checked i saw 150
[19:19] [AvA]Soma-> I was attacked constantly and i had 181
[19:19] [Rw]Ninety> como estamos chichis
[19:19] Cyborg> yeah you know a trick do you
[19:19] [AvA]Soma-> The trick Is to harvest good
[19:20] [GoD]Intrepid> dam 45 min for germany game
[19:20] [GoD]spinnifix> nächster halt
[19:20] [GoD]spinnifix> Hamburg Altona
[19:20] Cyborg> maybe there are many tricks to upgrade faster
[19:20] Cyborg> i didnt see u use my trick
[19:20] Cyborg> plus 2
[19:20] Cyborg> soma
[19:20] Cyborg> here
[19:21] Cyborg> host
[19:21] T-Rod> pp ok?
[19:21] T-Rod> relog requireds
[19:21] [AvA]Soma- out
[19:21] T-Rod> nvm
[19:21] Cyborg> yeah soma
[19:21] Cyborg> i had like 20 huts fully upgraded
[19:21] T-Rod> who u want big spin
[19:22] Cyborg> which means that i cant produce more braves unless i make land and make more huts.
[19:22] T-Rod> me and kpa my team
[19:22] [GoD]Intrepid> whats best
[19:22] [GoD]Intrepid> nvm i got it
[19:22] T-Rod> T-Rod + Maganha_OP + Kayin + MrSmokin_hottie26 vs. [Rw]Ninety + [GoD]FreeInca + [GoD]spinnifix + merciless1
[19:22] [GoD]Intrepid> ill cheer for you trod
[19:22] T-Rod> i bet noone plays those now
[19:22] [GoD]spinnifix> T-Rod + Maganha_OP + Kayin + MrSmokin_hottie26 vs. [Rw]Ninety + [GoD]FreeInca + [GoD]spinnifix + merciless1
[19:22] [Rw]Ninety> same team as last game
[19:22] [Rw]Ninety> spin and his tres amigos
[19:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking lucky u trod
[19:23] MrSmokin_hottie26> u got the best of the best
[19:23] [GoD]Intrepid> ye go
[19:23] MrSmokin_hottie26> me :ezy:
[19:23] [GoD]Intrepid> so i can watch smth before next game
[19:23] Cyborg out
[19:23] Cyborg in
[19:26] [Rw]Raver in
[19:30] [SW]Zgjims in
[19:32] adray_tsi out
[19:33] merciless1> allying noobs its just zero fun
[19:33] [GoD]Intrepid> damn that was fast lool
[19:33] [GoD]Intrepid> ye tell me about it sho
[19:33] [GoD]Intrepid> wtf
[19:33] [GoD]Intrepid> and besides
[19:33] [GoD]Intrepid> orange base is shit
[19:33] jlopezrosso in
[19:33] [GoD]Intrepid> you take a year to get to front
[19:34] [GoD]Intrepid> so what can 90 do
[19:34] urepopulous2 in
[19:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> :hypers:
[19:34] T-Rod> gg
[19:34] T-Rod> wp
[19:34] [GoD]spinnifix> gg
[19:34] Meph> Game?
[19:34] [GoD]spinnifix> unranked anyway
[19:34] [GoD]spinnifix> JA KOMM
[19:35] T-Rod> unranked?
[19:35] Meph> Halt nen Platz frei
[19:35] [GoD]Intrepid> just dispute it rod
[19:35] [GoD]spinnifix> yes because too short
[19:35] T-Rod> k fuck u spoin
[19:35] [GoD]Intrepid> :>
[19:35] T-Rod> gtfo
[19:35] [GoD]spinnifix> lmfao dafaq
[19:35] [GoD]spinnifix> its just too short wtf
[19:35] [GoD]spinnifix> xD
[19:35] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + [D]Nightfury + Cyborg + Zpektrix_TAS vs. Kayin + Maganha_OP + merciless1 + [GoD]FreeInca
[19:36] merciless1> suggest
[19:36] [GoD]spinnifix> meph das wird nix
[19:36] Cyborg> leave mic out of this
[19:36] [GoD]spinnifix> best not fine ?
[19:36] merciless1> nope
[19:36] merciless1> kayin n mag dont even play
[19:36] [GoD]Intrepid> i think ill start doing that too
[19:36] merciless1> n chichis lags
[19:36] merciless1> gg bruv
[19:36] [GoD]Intrepid> hi jimmy
[19:37] Maganha_OP> swap vhan and spin
[19:37] [GoD]spinnifix> ok
[19:37] Meph in
[19:37] [GoD]spinnifix> swapping
[19:38] merciless1> get meph
[19:38] [GoD]spinnifix> kk
[19:38] merciless1> i dun like that hut
[19:38] [GoD]Intrepid> LOL
[19:38] [GoD]Intrepid> ye ill definetly do that now too
[19:38] Cyborg> spin wake up
[19:38] merciless1> :pepedoor:
[19:38] [GoD]spinnifix> wzup
[19:38] Cyborg> we have a full hut
[19:38] [GoD]spinnifix> shogun left
[19:38] [GoD]spinnifix> not me
[19:38] merciless1> hut moved
[19:38] merciless1> not me
[19:38] merciless1> :monkamega:
[19:38] merciless1> :pepedoor:
[19:39] Cyborg> how do braves bread in huts?
[19:39] merciless1> :monkas:
[19:39] Cyborg> there are no women
[19:39] Maganha_OP> komm meph
[19:39] merciless1> :monkamea:
[19:39] Cyborg> lol
[19:39] [Rw]Ninety> its gay love ossur
[19:39] [Rw]Ninety> fc
[19:39] [Rw]Ninety> ofc
[19:39] Cyborg> maybe braves are bouth female and male
[19:39] Cyborg> ok
[19:39] Cyborg> lol
[19:39] [GoD]Intrepid> or clones
[19:39] Cyborg> or there are hidden women braves in huts
[19:39] Cyborg> :D
[19:39] [GoD]Intrepid> in pop 2 there were women
[19:39] [GoD]spinnifix> more than 2
[19:39] T-Rod> pop 2?
[19:39] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[19:39] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[19:40] [SW]Zgjims> 2v2 here ?
[19:40] T-Rod> the weird game
[19:40] [Rw]Ninety> this pop is the 3rd game of the series
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:40] T-Rod> yaa but pop 1 and 2 are so weird
[19:40] Meph> actually football soon
[19:40] T-Rod> theres a fking platform
[19:40] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao was good tho
[19:40] Meph out
[19:40] [GoD]Intrepid> early 90s
[19:40] [Rw]Ninety> never played them tbg
[19:40] [GoD]Intrepid> to play it
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:40] Cyborg> spin do 6p
[19:40] Cyborg> ok 1 plus
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:41] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + [D]Nightfury + Cyborg + jammy vs. Kayin + Zpektrix_TAS + Maganha_OP + [GoD]FreeInca
[19:41] [GoD]Intrepid> high pings allying
[19:41] [GoD]Intrepid> :nice:
[19:41] Cyborg> no man
[19:41] Cyborg> i dont play fo
[19:41] [SW]Zgjims> Why
[19:41] [SW]Zgjims> Fo is The best map ever
[19:41] [GoD]spinnifix> its not fo
[19:41] [GoD]spinnifix> its walls
[19:41] Cyborg> ok
[19:41] [GoD]Intrepid> ofc its walls
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[19:42] [GoD]Intrepid> :kekw:
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> :blue:
[19:42] [GoD]Intrepid> damn koopa still shaman
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[19:42] [GoD]Intrepid> 1v1? :p
[19:42] [Rw]Ninety> leagues are so broken
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking done it brah
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhkin bout time
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> carry folks like ninety i shoulda been made shammy on the spot
[19:42] [GoD]Intrepid> wait are jimmy and trod doing 1v1? :o
[19:42] [Rw]Ninety> uve never carried me
[19:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> :hypers:
[19:43] T-Rod> wow 1 v 1 :mallcop: its a mirracle
[19:43] [Rw]Ninety> still waiting for the day u win me a game old man
[19:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> no 1 v 1s im drinking coffee now
[19:43] merciless1> yiman i wanna watach a 1v1
[19:43] merciless1> between who tho :pepega:
[19:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmao beat my underlings 1st
[19:43] [GoD]Intrepid> who me?
[19:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> biankas my lowest of the low underlings
[19:43] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[19:44] [Rw]Ninety> gogo
[19:44] [Rw]Ninety> v1
[19:44] [Rw]Ninety> 1v1
[19:44] merciless1> who wants to beat my underling aka koopa
[19:44] merciless1> :lol:
[19:44] [Rw]Ninety> :bian:
[19:44] [GoD]Intrepid> ok 90
[19:44] Cyborg> who quitt
[19:44] [GoD]Intrepid> color?
[19:44] [GoD]FreeInca> red
[19:44] [Rw]Ninety> im color blind
[19:44] merciless1> oh fk i missed trod vs jimmy
[19:44] merciless1> :notlikethis:
[19:44] merciless1> 20:44] [GoD]spinnifix> jimmy already owned rod yesterday
[19:44] merciless1> Looooooooooooooool
[19:45] merciless1> big jimmy maiz
[19:45] Cyborg> big jimmy
[19:45] [Rw]Ninety> brb ping
[19:45] Cyborg> :P
[19:45] [Rw]Ninety out
[19:45] [Rw]Ninety in
[19:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> ossur FHKEM UPPPPPPP
[19:45] [Rw]Ninety out
[19:45] [Rw]Ninety in
[19:45] urepopulous2 out
[19:46] Cyborg> nah thats your job
[19:46] Cyborg> raver come
[19:47] Babo> willst du mich verarschen
[19:47] Babo> lmfaoooooooo
[19:47] urepopulous2 in
[19:47] [GoD]spinnifix> wieso spielt italien so schlecht dieses jahr
[19:47] [GoD]spinnifix> das ist so traurig
[19:47] Babo> geil
[19:47] [GoD]spinnifix> ist eigentlich ne weltmanschaft
[19:47] Babo> schweiz so verdient
[19:48] Cyborg> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyaVxooyHVg
[19:48] Babo> jetzt müssen noch türkei und frankreich raus und ich bin happy
[19:48] MrSmokin_hottie26> :jedi:
[19:48] [GoD]spinnifix> du willst dass fr rausfliegt also
[19:48] Babo> ja sie sind ekelhafte menschen
[19:48] Meph> Týýrkei wird zerstýýrt
[19:48] Babo> oui oui le baguette
[19:48] [GoD]spinnifix> looool
[19:48] Babo> ja bitte meph
[19:49] Babo> bin österreich ultra an dem spieltag
[19:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDBnaGbUH4Y
[19:49] [GoD]spinnifix> aber keines wegs dass oesterreich europameister wird
[19:49] [GoD]spinnifix> dafür sind sie viel zu schlecht
[19:49] Babo> warum
[19:49] Babo> österreich-schweiz halbfinale
[19:49] [GoD]spinnifix> aler komm schon
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> are we going spin
[19:49] Babo> lets go
[19:49] merciless1> oh fk nooooooooooooooo
[19:49] Cyborg> spin go we have a full uht
[19:49] merciless1> tf is koopa doin as shaman rank
[19:49] [GoD]spinnifix> so ein quatsch lol
[19:49] adray_tsi in
[19:49] merciless1> what has the world come to :notlikethis:
[19:49] Babo> ik shogun
[19:49] Babo> its embarrasing
[19:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmao congratulate me brah
[19:49] Babo> whole mm shoud be ashamed
[19:49] merciless1> cyka blyat brah
[19:49] Cyborg> not sess pls
[19:49] Cyborg> i dont play stses
[19:49] Cyborg> h
[19:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhkin wasnt even shooting for it
[19:49] Cyborg> esr
[19:50] Babo> every time kooper was shaman rank you know popre is dead as fuck
[19:50] Babo> only reason he reaches top 10 is because no one else plays lolololol
[19:50] merciless1> :pogcorn:
[19:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> str8 up only reason i dont get shammy rank cus playin this shit srsly is hella gay
[19:52] Cyborg> :P
[19:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoo
[19:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> uhhh wtf sum1 host??
[19:52] Cyborg> :banana:
[19:53] Babo> youre mentally not capable to play shaman skill level
[19:53] Babo> physically too probably
[19:54] Cyborg> spinn
[19:54] Cyborg> host
[19:55] Maganha_OP out
[19:58] [GoD]FreeInca> fuck you ossur
[19:59] Kayin out
[19:59] Cyborg> did bianca tell you to say that
[19:59] Cyborg> lmao
[19:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> been smashing these shammy rankers left n rite n always will so suk it nerd
[19:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> send ur best i feel like keeping shammy rank for a long ass time :ezy:
[20:00] Cyborg> i love the atmosphere here
[20:07] dictatorjulio in
[20:09] [D]Jozef out
[20:10] [D]Jozef in
[20:11] [D]Jozef> nice rank Kpa :pepeglasses:
[20:11] [D]Jozef> :glasses:
[20:11] [D]Jozef> :fu:
[20:12] [GoD]FreeInca> :negro:
[20:13] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[20:13] merciless1> pupepeeee carefuuuull :monkastab:
[20:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[20:14] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[20:14] Cyborg> freeinca join
[20:14] MrSmokin_hottie26> shit was inevitable
[20:14] [GoD]FreeInca> shut up
[20:15] [D]Jozef> you did what you were told
[20:15] [D]Jozef> bien
[20:15] Zpektrix_TAS> no sess
[20:15] MrSmokin_hottie26> long over due most r sayin
[20:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> critical critical
[20:15] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Cyborg + [GoD]FreeInca + merciless1 vs. Zpektrix_TAS + MrSmokin_hottie26 + jammy + [AvA]JJaydenn
[20:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> diff teams
[20:16] [GoD]spinnifix> ok suggest
[20:16] merciless1 out
[20:16] Makse in
[20:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> well sho gone gg
[20:17] [D]Jozef> very elusive guy
[20:17] [GoD]spinnifix> he reloging
[20:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> trods bds failed that hard latly its made him start 1v1ing lol
[20:18] [GoD]Intrepid> gg wp
[20:18] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:18] [Rw]Ninety> gg
[20:18] [GoD]spinnifix> +1
[20:18] Makse out
[20:19] Cyborg> plus 2
[20:19] [D]Jozef> hi mibbel
[20:19] merciless1 in
[20:19] merciless1> [14] Reconnecting...
[20:20] merciless1> i knew it so tired of dis shit :mallcop:
[20:20] merciless1> ++++++++++++++++++++++1
[20:20] [D]Jozef> gg
[20:21] Cyborg> v rising is having issues, i just bouht it and couldnt sleep i wanted so bad to play it
[20:21] Cyborg> oh ok
[20:21] Cyborg> solved
[20:21] Luxray out
[20:21] [AvA]Mibbel> oh hi Jozef
[20:22] [AvA]Mibbel> all good?
[20:22] [D]Jozef> indeed, and you?
[20:22] Cyborg> oh man now im designing my character
[20:23] Maganha_OP in
[20:23] T-Rod> gg
[20:23] [AvA]Mibbel> i'm ok thx
[20:24] mammy_TAS> Hi :eyes:
[20:24] [D]Jozef> it looks like diablo ossur
[20:24] [GoD]Intrepid> hi :mammy: :)
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> trod join
[20:24] Cyborg> yeah
[20:24] Cyborg> but
[20:24] Cyborg> its more like baldurs gate
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> wieso dieser smiley für ihn
[20:24] Cyborg> and divinity original sin
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> ich verstehs bis heute nicht
[20:24] mammy_TAS> Hi :bian: :slightly_smiling_face:
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> das sieht so schwulk aus
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> lol
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> was hat das mit ihm zu tun
[20:24] [D]Jozef> hi mammy
[20:25] [GoD]Intrepid> er hat immer den emoji gemacht
[20:25] mammy_TAS> Hi joseph :slightly_smiling_face:
[20:25] jammy out
[20:25] mammy_TAS> So active mm today without me or not :face_with_open_mouth: ?
[20:25] [GoD]Intrepid> yes mammy :)
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> go 3v3 spin
[20:26] mammy_TAS> Nice :slightly_smiling_face:
[20:27] merciless1> rod jimmy
[20:27] merciless1> join
[20:27] merciless1> bianca eric delax
[20:27] [SW]Zgjims> +2
[20:27] [GoD]Intrepid> gtfo
[20:27] [SW]Zgjims> Reall game
[20:27] [D]Jozef> hi jimmy
[20:27] [SW]Zgjims> ++++1
[20:28] mammy_TAS> Real game where :eyes: ?
[20:28] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + merciless1 vs. [GoD]FreeInca + MrSmokin_hottie26 + [D]Nightfury
[20:28] T-Rod> +1 to face me and jimmy
[20:28] [GoD]Intrepid> :pog:
[20:28] Zpektrix_TAS> 8p walls is set
[20:28] Zpektrix_TAS> be careful
[20:28] [GoD]spinnifix> loool
[20:28] T-Rod> spins closing hut quiq
[20:28] T-Rod> so noone leaves
[20:28] T-Rod> :nice:
[20:28] [GoD]spinnifix> you could have joined
[20:28] mammy_TAS> Back base gets 2 bases and double the wildman :ohyes:
[20:29] merciless1> dayum
[20:29] merciless1> prepare to get rekt trod
[20:29] merciless1> big eric joined
[20:31] Zpektrix_TAS> delax left
[20:31] merciless1> cos we forgot to bring some fish
[20:32] merciless1> here delax, here boi! :delax::fish::ye:
[20:32] [GoD]Intrepid> 30 min and 0:0
[20:32] [GoD]FreeInca> gn
[20:32] [GoD]Intrepid> :peeposleep:
[20:32] [GoD]FreeInca out
[20:32] [GoD]Intrepid> and i felt bad joining there lol
[20:32] [AvA]Mibbel> sry ill be back in 15min
[20:33] [GoD]Intrepid> mibbel back after first half :nice:
[20:36] mammy_TAS> Ill be back playing tomorrow stay tuned
[20:36] [GoD]Intrepid> wow loll
[20:36] [GoD]Intrepid> nice weather there
[20:37] [GoD]spinnifix> wie sie ersmtal (normalerweise nicht) energie tanken
[20:37] [GoD]spinnifix> dieser kommenattor
[20:37] [GoD]spinnifix> ist schreckjlich
[20:37] [GoD]spinnifix> kein elan kein ausrasten nichts, vollkommen langweilig
[20:38] [GoD]spinnifix> reist niemanden mit
[20:38] [GoD]spinnifix> schlimm
[20:38] [GoD]Intrepid> wo spielen die denn
[20:38] [GoD]Intrepid> sehe nix am radar
[20:38] [GoD]Intrepid> oh dortmund?
[20:38] [GoD]spinnifix> pass auf die spiele nmorge nerwt witer
[20:38] [GoD]spinnifix> LOL
[20:39] [GoD]spinnifix> dann musst ja theoretisch joinen
[20:39] [GoD]Intrepid> ich muss gar nix außer sterben
[20:39] [GoD]spinnifix> wäre aber die plausibelste
[20:39] [GoD]spinnifix> reaktion
[20:40] [D]Jozef> chichi said gn at 4pm
[20:40] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:40] [Rw]Ninety> suspended cause of some rain
[20:40] [Rw]Ninety> weak
[20:41] [GoD]Intrepid> some rain :kek:
[20:41] [GoD]spinnifix> das gefährliche sind die Shokas
[20:41] [GoD]Intrepid> ye heavy thunderstorm
[20:41] [GoD]Intrepid> :nice:
[20:42] [GoD]spinnifix> ach in sbg sitzen sie
[20:42] [GoD]spinnifix> na sie mal einer an
[20:43] [GoD]Intrepid> ja servus tv halt
[20:43] [GoD]spinnifix> servus gruess di Hi
[20:43] [GoD]Intrepid> servus tv von red bull
[20:43] [GoD]Intrepid> klar is das hier lol
[20:44] [GoD]spinnifix> meph
[20:44] [GoD]spinnifix> wann khimmsch
[20:44] [GoD]spinnifix> spiel wird verschoben
[20:44] [GoD]Intrepid> hoffe das passiert nicht am dienstag
[20:51] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont wanna stay on that screen
[20:51] Zpektrix_TAS> as i always say
[20:51] [SW]Zgjims out
[20:52] Saito_Vdm out
[20:52] Makse in
[20:52] [AvA]JJaydenn> gg
[20:52] T-Rod> gg
[20:53] [SW]Zgjims in
[20:53] [GoD]spinnifix> nice 2v2 jjay
[20:53] [GoD]spinnifix> very fair
[20:53] [GoD]spinnifix> :nice:
[20:53] merciless1> trod join my bestie :nice:
[20:53] merciless1> eric jimmy jjay
[20:53] [GoD]spinnifix> you should go again jjay!!
[20:53] [AvA]JJaydenn> ? dude ur playing 8p games with noobs much more skilled than ur shit
[20:54] [GoD]spinnifix> ololololol
[20:54] [GoD]spinnifix> nice
[20:54] merciless1> :onkamega:
[20:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> ur turning into the old trod
[20:54] merciless1> :monkamega:
[20:54] T-Rod> :kekwait:
[20:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> playing 8p crap with noobs all the time
[20:54] T-Rod> :pepedoor:
[20:54] merciless1> :monkas: ..
[20:54] [GoD]spinnifix> u shud go again 2v2
[20:54] [GoD]spinnifix> same teams!! :D
[20:54] merciless1> eric vs jjay 1v1 go :ye:
[20:54] T-Rod> dont drag me in to this, i played with real beginners
[20:54] T-Rod> like wildies
[20:54] T-Rod> to get this rank
[20:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> u should play 2v2 spin instead of sucking off host spot in 8p to gain ur points cocain gameplay 1 ping vs who lol koopa whaooo big game
[20:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> or zp who sim citys lmao
[20:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> get real bro
[20:55] [GoD]spinnifix> looooool
[20:55] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:55] [GoD]spinnifix> nice
[20:55] [GoD]spinnifix> i love it
[20:56] [GoD]spinnifix> go again 2v2 dude
[20:56] [GoD]spinnifix> same tewams
[20:56] [GoD]spinnifix> teams
[20:56] Zpektrix_TAS> see spin
[20:56] Zpektrix_TAS> hw is afk
[20:56] Zpektrix_TAS> he is still in game
[20:56] merciless1> :monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkas::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega:
[20:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> if i didnt let mibble take 20 points off me id probs be number 2 rn lol
[20:56] [GoD]spinnifix> loooooooool
[20:56] merciless1> :monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega:yego2v2dudeugotdis:monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega:
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> [21:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> u should play 2v2 spin instead of sucking off host spot in 8p to gain ur points cocain gameplay 1 ping vs who lol koopa whaooo big game
[20:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> spin jelous im overtaking him on points
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> OOLOLOL
[20:57] merciless1> jjay vs spin 1v1 go :ye:
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> think u need 60 more there
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> ;)
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> no man ur cute :D
[20:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> ur mums cute
[20:58] Zpektrix_TAS> bian join
[20:58] [GoD]spinnifix> she is man
[20:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> she gets excited when i call her a good girl still
[20:58] [GoD]spinnifix> dont insult my mother :(
[20:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> no insults man
[20:59] Makse out
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> just facts
[20:59] merciless1> jjay 1v1 with eric?
[20:59] [GoD]Eric> u wanna jj?
[20:59] [GoD]spinnifix> yiiiiiiiiiiii 1v1 that
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> eric 2 nerdy man gotta be in mood to vs him lol
[20:59] T-Rod> if i didnt play most my games unfair teams for me, id have double nicis points easily.
[20:59] [GoD]Eric> im very rusty
[20:59] [AsG]Godzilla in
[20:59] Babo out
[20:59] merciless1> hes rusty i can confirm
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude u demolished trod ez wym rusty lol
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> i know trod is ez but he still is decent opponent
[21:00] [GoD]Eric> u helped me
[21:00] merciless1> then hwo did eric lose to me jjay :monkamega:
[21:00] merciless1> :pepedoor:
[21:00] merciless1> :monkamega:
[21:00] merciless1> :monkas:
[21:00] merciless1> :monkamega:
[21:00] merciless1> :monkas:
[21:00] [GoD]Eric> true
[21:00] merciless1> :monkamega:
[21:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> u got lucky asf sho lol
[21:00] merciless1> :pepedoor:
[21:00] merciless1> ok. :monkamega:
[21:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> or eric playing with his cock out
[21:00] merciless1> with his toes yes :monkamega:
[21:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> :nice:
[21:01] [GoD]Eric> i just played whit my eyes closed
[21:01] merciless1> 1v1 him jjay :monkamega:
[21:01] [GoD]Eric> too rusty
[21:01] [GoD]spinnifix> geht das spiel eigentlich weiter bianca?
[21:01] merciless1> ja komm bianca
[21:01] [GoD]spinnifix> oder wirds vertagt
[21:01] [GoD]Eric> would like to have one more go before i go
[21:02] [GoD]Intrepid> glaub schon
[21:02] [GoD]Intrepid> uh that hut
[21:02] [GoD]spinnifix> vertagt?
[21:02] [GoD]Intrepid> ne geht weiter
[21:02] [GoD]Eric> sho wanna rm?
[21:02] [AvA]JJaydenn> gg wp eric da beast spin da dick sucker
[21:02] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[21:02] [GoD]spinnifix> ez to make him rage
[21:02] [GoD]spinnifix> :lel:
[21:03] [GoD]Eric> someone wanna 1v1?
[21:03] [GoD]Eric> or 2v2
[21:03] merciless1> spin vs eric 1v1 go :monkamega:
[21:04] [GoD]spinnifix> sho u rm him
[21:04] merciless1> GoD of GoDs match
[21:04] merciless1> i aint in god anymore cant
[21:04] merciless1> gg :monkamega:
[21:04] [GoD]Eric> zgjims wanna 1v1?
[21:04] merciless1> nah he too ez man
[21:04] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[21:04] [GoD]Intrepid> jimmy isnt ez
[21:04] merciless1> it has to be trod or spin vs u
[21:04] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Maganha_OP + [Rw]Ninety vs. merciless1 + Zpektrix_TAS + MrSmokin_hottie26
[21:04] merciless1> or not interestin brah
[21:04] [SW]Zgjims> If i am easy
[21:05] [SW]Zgjims> come here
[21:05] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[21:05] [SW]Zgjims> i tell you who is Easy here
[21:05] merciless1> lmfao sure
[21:05] [SW]Zgjims> Heh
[21:05] merciless1> im the sho
[21:05] merciless1> i'll rape u ez
[21:05] merciless1> bitch
[21:05] [SW]Zgjims> i don't care
[21:05] merciless1> ic are
[21:05] merciless1> imma smash son
[21:05] [GoD]Eric> jimmy wanna 1v1?
[21:05] merciless1> i care*
[21:05] [GoD]spinnifix> i dont think you can beat him sho
[21:05] merciless1> loooooooool
[21:05] [GoD]spinnifix> lol
[21:05] merciless1> true spin
[21:05] [SW]Zgjims> if you care
[21:05] merciless1> cos i wouldnt beat him
[21:05] merciless1> but rape
[21:05] merciless1> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[21:05] [SW]Zgjims> not my fault
[21:06] [SW]Zgjims> Hah
[21:06] merciless1> OOOOOOOOOOOLOOLOLO
[21:06] merciless1> ooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
[21:06] [GoD]Eric> do pp
[21:06] [GoD]Eric> me vs jimmy
[21:07] [GoD]Eric> idm base
[21:07] [GoD]Eric> im very rusrty you might win
[21:07] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1> nah he too ez man
[21:07] [SW]Zgjims> Lets se who is easy here Guys
[21:07] T-Rod> loved how we played pp and i saw wildies when i had above 70 pop, means only shogun didnt converts wildies in hes base lool
[21:07] [SW]Zgjims> Relog
[21:08] merciless1> :monkamega:
[21:08] [GoD]Eric> you are easy 1v1 me prove me wrong
[21:08] merciless1> ok beat my disciple eric n i 1v1 u
[21:08] merciless1> :monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega::monkamega:
[21:08] [Rw]Raver out
[21:08] [GoD]Intrepid> sho scared gg
[21:08] merciless1> nah
[21:08] [SW]Zgjims> relog merciless1
[21:08] merciless1> i wanna let eric first
[21:08] [GoD]spinnifix> he scared of this 3v3 ye
[21:08] merciless1 out
[21:08] T-Rod> big shogun out
[21:08] [GoD]Eric> lets go
[21:08] merciless1 in
[21:09] [SW]Zgjims> Eric: first game i play with merciless1
[21:09] [GoD]Eric> lol
[21:09] merciless1> lmao shit ping nvm
[21:09] [GoD]Eric> but he won me
[21:09] merciless1> go vs eric
[21:09] [GoD]Eric> if u win me
[21:09] merciless1> im fkin 300 ping looooooooooool
[21:09] [SW]Zgjims> Yea to heigh
[21:09] T-Rod> ahh this why u forgot to convert wildies that pp game
[21:09] T-Rod> and make fws
[21:10] [SW]Zgjims> we can play another time
[21:10] [SW]Zgjims> and i tell you who is Ez here
[21:10] [SW]Zgjims> ;)
[21:10] merciless1> im the best jimmy
[21:10] merciless1> just acept n gtfo bro
[21:10] merciless1> :hypers:
[21:10] T-Rod> all i heard was i cant 1 v 2
[21:10] T-Rod> and gg
[21:10] [SW]Zgjims> now ping is okay ]
[21:10] T-Rod> 3 eqs in
[21:10] merciless1> trod u only had to blast ocne to take my unexistant ally out
[21:10] merciless1> n i was expanding
[21:10] T-Rod> oh there wasnt gg
[21:10] merciless1> yer shite stfu befor ei smash ya 1v1 pp man
[21:10] merciless1> :D
[21:11] T-Rod> guy dont make fws and relies ally blasting enemy?
[21:11] T-Rod> loool
[21:11] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1> go vs eric
[21:11] [SW]Zgjims> Lol
[21:11] T-Rod> truely best big base
[21:11] [GoD]spinnifix> he is terrible
[21:11] [GoD]spinnifix> on pp big
[21:11] merciless1> go boiiiiii
[21:11] [GoD]spinnifix> its rly so bad
[21:11] [SW]Zgjims> Tell me when you are ready
[21:11] [SW]Zgjims> for 1v1
[21:11] merciless1> jimmy i beat eric the other day
[21:11] [GoD]spinnifix> idk how some1 can be that vulnerable on pp
[21:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[21:11] merciless1> if u lose to him gg brah
[21:11] merciless1> ;)
[21:12] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1> go vs eric
[21:12] [Rw]Ninety> ++++++++++++++++++++++1
[21:12] [SW]Zgjims> :kekw:
[21:12] [GoD]Intrepid> at least jimmy got the balls to play it
[21:12] [Rw]Ninety> too much dick measurement already lets play pop
[21:12] merciless1> jimmy gonna lose to rusty eric
[21:12] merciless1> i bet
[21:12] merciless1> meaning he aint even rival to me
[21:12] merciless1> :pog:
[21:12] [GoD]Intrepid> and you got owned on yggdratom in no time
[21:12] [GoD]Intrepid> lightspeed
[21:12] merciless1> when
[21:12] [GoD]spinnifix> yea 4 mins
[21:12] [GoD]spinnifix> today
[21:12] [GoD]Intrepid> today
[21:13] [GoD]spinnifix> so bad
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> [GoD]Eric> zgjims wanna 1v1?
[21:13] merciless1> ????????? unexistant ally and i was expanding
[21:13] merciless1> lmfao
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1> nah he too ez man
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> Come play 1v1 with me
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1> go vs eric
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> HAHAHAHAH
[21:13] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[21:13] merciless1> go vs eric
[21:13] Maganha_OP> lol
[21:13] merciless1> idc wut u say
[21:13] Maganha_OP> +1
[21:13] merciless1> if u win i smash u next
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> This is absolute idiot
[21:13] merciless1> u wont even beat eric
[21:13] [GoD]spinnifix> join here shogun
[21:13] merciless1> talk to me when u do
[21:13] merciless1> yer shite
[21:13] [SW]Zgjims> Come here
[21:13] [GoD]Intrepid> ye as if eric is an ez task
[21:14] merciless1> ^
[21:14] [SW]Zgjims> Come i have to show your self here
[21:14] merciless1> i won v eric
[21:14] merciless1> vs*
[21:14] merciless1> im super pro bianca
[21:14] [GoD]Intrepid> wow you won vs eric
[21:14] merciless1> yes :ye:
[21:14] [GoD]Intrepid> people won vs nici already
[21:14] [SW]Zgjims> come Won and vs me
[21:14] merciless1> wut u sey bianca
[21:14] [GoD]Intrepid> they nr. 1 nowq?
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> im here
[21:14] [GoD]Intrepid> tf lmao
[21:14] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Maganha_OP + [Rw]Ninety vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + Zpektrix_TAS + MrSmokin_hottie26
[21:14] merciless1> im nr 1
[21:14] [SW]Zgjims> HAHAHAHHA
[21:14] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1> go vs eric
[21:14] [SW]Zgjims> hahahhaha
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> zpek can i be big base?
[21:14] merciless1> dude go already n stfu
[21:15] [GoD]spinnifix> imagine losing pon pp within 4 mins
[21:15] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[21:15] [GoD]Intrepid> chichis even went to double rod
[21:15] merciless1> dude was doing 1.01
[21:15] merciless1> and i cant play it
[21:15] merciless1> lolllllll
[21:16] T-Rod> shoguns logic, guy beats me pp easily. yet guy eats 3 eqs in 7 min on pp facing me, and quits. and spins toxicity after the game, like games were our favor?
[21:16] T-Rod> what a fking losers
[21:17] [GoD]spinnifix> what you mean we just surrendered because shogun got owned within 5 mins
[21:18] merciless1> dude stop saying i got owned, that was my unexistant ally wtf
[21:18] merciless1> i was expanding him and guy died in 1 blast
[21:18] merciless1> not my fkin fault lmfao
[21:18] T-Rod> i didnt even make fws
[21:18] T-Rod> u cant blame ally
[21:18] T-Rod> it was 100% ur fault
[21:18] merciless1> gtfo man
[21:18] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[21:18] T-Rod> yet u didnt even convert wildies
[21:18] T-Rod> u didnt*
[21:21] guitaryente in
[21:22] Suslik in
[21:22] Suslik out
[21:23] Cyborg> yeah
[21:23] T-Rod> yet spins acting after that game it was unfair game
[21:23] Cyborg> im playing a new game called V rising
[21:23] T-Rod> after all the games he gets best allies
[21:23] Cyborg> check it out mibbel
[21:23] T-Rod> how toxic can a player be
[21:23] [GoD]Intrepid> we got bigbang on tom
[21:23] [GoD]Intrepid> guy couldnt click for shit
[21:24] T-Rod> spin allways needs best allies
[21:24] T-Rod> if best look bad for him
[21:24] T-Rod> he mostly leaves
[21:24] T-Rod> that pp he didnt
[21:24] T-Rod> but bragged after it
[21:24] [GoD]Intrepid> i should do this now too
[21:25] [GoD]Intrepid> if teams look shit just leave
[21:25] [GoD]Intrepid> or just host and do my thing :kek:
[21:26] T-Rod> think i should go easy facing shogun on pp
[21:26] T-Rod> so they dont quit
[21:26] T-Rod> insta
[21:26] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[21:26] T-Rod> yet the irony is he owns me easily
[21:26] [SW]Zgjims> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=497903
[21:26] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1: ?
[21:26] [GoD]Eric> well was freezing the whole game specially the last minutes
[21:27] [GoD]Eric> i could stream
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> Time is for you
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> Comon top boyyyy
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> You are nr1
[21:27] merciless1> you are a clown
[21:27] [GoD]Intrepid> lol sho lets go
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> HAHHAAHAH
[21:27] merciless1> eric was lagging badly and u didnt ally up
[21:27] merciless1> what a low ass rat
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> Come on Top boyyyyy
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> Come comeeee
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims> brrudahhh
[21:27] merciless1> i aint gonna play on ur host even if i was paid
[21:27] merciless1> u dam loser
[21:28] [SW]Zgjims> do you know now how pussy you are ?
[21:28] [SW]Zgjims> Join
[21:28] adray_tsi out
[21:28] T-Rod> did big jimmy own eric
[21:28] T-Rod> dayumn nice bruh
[21:28] merciless1> ur hsit, eric asked for ally up due to super lag and u didt, dude i was spectator, u should of feel ashamed and instad ur bragging? ur trash lmfaooooooooooo
[21:28] merciless1> shit*
[21:28] [SW]Zgjims> No for reall Eric was lagg
[21:28] [GoD]Eric> no he dint lol, he dint even touch my base
[21:28] [SW]Zgjims> i said i ally you when i owned
[21:28] [GoD]Eric> was lagging very vad
[21:28] [SW]Zgjims> but this man quiting
[21:28] [SW]Zgjims> idk
[21:29] [SW]Zgjims> Come one merciless1
[21:29] T-Rod> that pp we did before jimmy was lagging prolly as much
[21:29] merciless1> dude no1 is gonna sit n watch u "own"
[21:29] [SW]Zgjims> Top boyyy
[21:29] [SW]Zgjims> hahhahaha
[21:29] merciless1> just ally up n gtfo wtf lmfao
[21:29] merciless1> no wonder eric had to quit if ur a stupid ass clown
[21:29] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1: 1v1 >
[21:29] merciless1> he aint wwasting time watchin u have fun likea 3 years old tard
[21:30] [SW]Zgjims> 1v1 ?
[21:30] [GoD]Eric> i dont care about pts but can tell he dint win
[21:30] [GoD]Eric> the freezing was very bad
[21:30] Garbageman in
[21:30] [GoD]Eric> last minutes unplayable
[21:30] T-Rod> i love how shogun says others are stupid, when hes dumbest person in mm
[21:30] [GoD]Eric> 6 sec freeze and agai
[21:30] [SW]Zgjims> HAHHAHAHA
[21:30] [GoD]Eric> n
[21:30] [SW]Zgjims> Idk bro
[21:30] merciless1> heres waht happened: eric was lagging as fk and jimmy didnt ally up and now claims victory
[21:30] merciless1> looooooooooool the faggit
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> this man is really idiot
[21:31] [GoD]Eric> even my fws where running to his shaman while his shaman is in his base
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> I am asking you
[21:31] [GoD]Eric> because my screen froze for 7 sec
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> for 1v1
[21:31] [GoD]Eric> lo
[21:31] [GoD]Eric> ll
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> merciless1:
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> you said to me play with eric
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> next with me
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> Come now
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao denmark scored
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> vs germany
[21:31] merciless1> -? u didnt beat eric to start with
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> lollll
[21:31] merciless1> ur a retarded clown
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> hahhahaha
[21:31] [SW]Zgjims> now just
[21:32] [SW]Zgjims> shout your mouth
[21:32] merciless1> ye shout bro
[21:32] Invisible in
[21:32] [GoD]Eric> well its his wifi he should connect it whit cable
[21:32] [SW]Zgjims> to easy to say shut
[21:32] [SW]Zgjims> hahaha
[21:32] [GoD]Eric> will be allot better
[21:32] [SW]Zgjims> You see who you are
[21:32] [SW]Zgjims> :kekw:
[21:33] merciless1> jimmy
[21:33] [GoD]Intrepid> omg offside ;(
[21:33] merciless1> come play eric on my host
[21:33] merciless1> not on ur shitty ass super crap host
[21:33] merciless1> n try win now
[21:34] merciless1 out
[21:34] merciless1 in
[21:34] T-Rod> shogun host is like worst to everyone yet he wants jimmy to go that?
[21:35] T-Rod> how deluded he is
[21:35] merciless1> u should of seen jimmy's host then
[21:35] merciless1> eric was freezing for 7 secs
[21:35] merciless1> rofl
[21:35] [GoD]Eric> i can prove if we do again and il stream it lol
[21:36] MrSmokin_hottie26> ya tsu is unexistant for 10 mins start of game
[21:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> of every game
[21:36] MrSmokin_hottie26> i can do twice as much as him n still get same pop as him wtf
[21:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> 12/5
[21:36] [Rw]Ninety> wp spin mag
[21:37] Maganha_OP> gg
[21:37] [GoD]spinnifix> [22:30] T-Rod> i love how shogun says others are stupid, when hes dumbest person in mm
[21:37] [GoD]spinnifix> lolll
[21:37] [D]Jozef> i feel like there may be some animosity between trod and sho :monkahmm:
[21:37] Cyborg> v rising is the best game i have ever played
[21:37] Cyborg> on my pc
[21:37] [D]Jozef> youve been playing for 15 mins
[21:37] [D]Jozef> lol
[21:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> tsu u are very bad
[21:37] Cyborg> no i played for 1 hour lol
[21:37] [SW]Zgjims out
[21:37] merciless1> out of curiosity trod
[21:37] Cyborg> i had to take a break
[21:38] merciless1> waht makes u think so
[21:38] Cyborg> joseph
[21:38] Cyborg> if you want a new game on steam
[21:38] T-Rod> i love how kpas acting like hes telling something new
[21:38] Cyborg> this is really good
[21:38] Cyborg> v rising
[21:38] Cyborg> and go to private server
[21:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> tsu went 3 chamen kilsl 9 deaths
[21:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> no dmg done
[21:38] MrSmokin_hottie26> i wanna make the point daily if i can
[21:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> what a trash can
[21:38] [Rw]Ninety> i didnt do much more
[21:38] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[21:39] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + [Rw]Ninety + Maganha_OP vs. Zpektrix_TAS + [Rw]FreeMatt + MrSmokin_hottie26
[21:39] [GoD]spinnifix> what bases this time
[21:39] [GoD]spinnifix> ?
[21:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> trade zpek for maga
[21:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> and i want back base
[21:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> as i ahve asked for last 3 months
[21:39] T-Rod> hey carycyn, how does it feel to have ally as big base on pp that doesnt make fws?
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety> well
[21:39] T-Rod> yet he blames ally
[21:39] merciless1> t-rod fighting every1 in lobby today :monkamega:
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety> i didnt mind the game much, he just never wanted to play it
[21:39] [D]Jozef> i dont play many games on pc
[21:40] [GoD]Intrepid> not me
[21:40] [D]Jozef> i prefer xbox
[21:40] [Rw]Ninety> he doesnt play games when he doesnt have the perfect match up
[21:40] [Rw]Ninety> so its fine
[21:40] [D]Jozef> just civ 6 and pop on pc
[21:40] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[21:40] [Rw]Ninety> i did die in a dumb way hes got a point there tbh
[21:40] T-Rod> finally true words, yet im not sure if he meant shogun or spin
[21:40] [D]Jozef> trod didnt fight me yet sho
[21:40] [D]Jozef> :nice:
[21:40] merciless1> [22:30] T-Rod> i love how shogun says others are stupid, when hes dumbest person in mm
[21:41] merciless1> rod waht makes u think so
[21:41] merciless1> im curious
[21:41] [GoD]spinnifix> Trod Why block
[21:41] T-Rod> last pp game ofc
[21:41] merciless1> dayummmmmmmm u still think u owned
[21:41] T-Rod> i saw wildies spawning ur base after i had 70+ pop
[21:41] T-Rod> and u didnt make fws
[21:41] merciless1> did u see who was my ally son ?
[21:41] T-Rod> ur so deluded its beyond understanding
[21:41] [GoD]spinnifix> We simply surrendered because shogun got Owned within 5 mins
[21:41] merciless1> as if i wud play motivated wiht that
[21:41] [GoD]spinnifix> So bad
[21:41] T-Rod> lool
[21:42] T-Rod> u guys even had upperhand
[21:42] T-Rod> vs my team
[21:42] T-Rod> u had spin as ally
[21:42] merciless1> fact is i was 2v1ing
[21:42] merciless1> dont csare wut u say
[21:42] merciless1> care*
[21:42] [GoD]spinnifix> Na man you dont make fwd
[21:42] T-Rod> u might´ve not seen how u got doubled
[21:42] [Rw]Ninety> lets go spin we aint getting 8
[21:42] T-Rod> how i got
[21:42] T-Rod> doubled
[21:42] T-Rod> from spins allyt
[21:42] merciless1> idc u loser
[21:42] [GoD]spinnifix> im waiting for them to tell em whqt base
[21:42] [GoD]spinnifix> what base
[21:42] [Rw]Ninety> hw back koopa and mag front
[21:42] T-Rod> calm down bruh
[21:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> i told u fuk bag
[21:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> trade zpek for maga
[21:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> and make me back base
[21:43] [GoD]spinnifix> lmfao
[21:43] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[21:43] Maganha_OP> :(
[21:43] merciless1> spin fbi open up
[21:43] Invisible> jo mibbel open spots?
[21:44] jlopezrosso out
[21:44] [GoD]Intrepid> mibbel if no ping i can host
[21:44] [D]Jozef> Hey brandy
[21:44] Cyborg> ok
[21:44] Cyborg> yo
[21:44] [D]Jozef> I can host if needed too
[21:44] Cyborg> mibbel
[21:44] Invisible> hi joseph
[21:45] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + [Rw]Ninety + Maganha_OP + [D]Nightfury vs. Zpektrix_TAS + [Rw]FreeMatt + MrSmokin_hottie26 + merciless1
[21:45] merciless1> TROD
[21:45] merciless1> ops caps
[21:45] [GoD]Intrepid> finally a game i might enjoy for once
[21:45] merciless1> trod get a shit ally
[21:45] merciless1> and give me a gud one
[21:45] [D]Jozef> gl Delax team :peped:
[21:45] urepopulous2 out
[21:45] merciless1> i'll brag too
[21:45] merciless1> ez
[21:45] Invisible> lol bianca imagine joseph host walls :')
[21:45] [GoD]Intrepid> idc
[21:46] [GoD]Intrepid> he can host what he feels like idm
[21:46] [GoD]Intrepid> just cba with this pro ass shitty walls games
[21:46] T-Rod> yaaa specially with their team choosing attitude
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> NOT allieing zpek if hes back base
[21:46] [GoD]spinnifix> so what now
[21:46] [GoD]spinnifix> what we do now
[21:47] [GoD]spinnifix> him front?
[21:47] T-Rod> dayumn hw demanding not allying someone
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> trade maga for zpek or front him
[21:47] T-Rod> there u go
[21:47] T-Rod> i´ve seen everything
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> zpek is predictabey non exisitent ever gmae as back base
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> no trianing no defence on front no spells on enemy front
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> jsut sitting there charging vlacno
[21:47] T-Rod> tell em hw :pogcorn:
[21:47] [GoD]spinnifix> ok trading him with mag then
[21:47] [GoD]spinnifix> fine?
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> perfect
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> go
[21:48] [Rw]Ninety> poor mag thrown under the bus
[21:48] Maganha_OP> whos front then
[21:48] [GoD]spinnifix> wehat bases hw
[21:48] Maganha_OP> vhan and koopa?
[21:48] [GoD]spinnifix> for ur teamn
[21:48] Maganha_OP> im fine with any
[21:48] jlopezrosso in
[21:48] [Rw]Ninety> trod
[21:48] MrSmokin_hottie26> let trod take my spot guys decent
[21:48] T-Rod> not sure if theres best places for vhan
[21:48] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaooo
[21:48] Maganha_OP> ?
[21:49] merciless1> koopa scared of losing his shitty ass fake shaman rank no1 cares about
[21:49] T-Rod> i keep it kpa
[21:49] [Rw]Ninety> did koopa the shaman just run from a game
[21:49] merciless1> fuksake klets paly man
[21:49] [Rw]Ninety> or is it just me
[21:49] T-Rod> u keep
[21:49] Maganha_OP> join rod
[21:49] T-Rod> i wish i could
[21:49] [GoD]spinnifix> you can
[21:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> nah im gifting u spot dont be a dik n take that shit
[21:50] [Rw]Ninety> must have been me then
[21:50] T-Rod> lool ur gifting is like throwin me to wolfes
[21:50] T-Rod> naah its shogun
[21:50] T-Rod> carycyn
[21:50] T-Rod> everyone likes to ally u
[21:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> zpek went 3/9 last game
[21:50] [Rw]Ninety> no i mean it must have been me who thought koopas running lol
[21:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> quit wihtotu casting a spell
[21:50] merciless1> zero goddamn ffks given spin
[21:50] merciless1> im here to play
[21:51] [GoD]spinnifix> are you sure
[21:51] merciless1> gimmie a game n stfu nerds
[21:51] merciless1> oaky !?
[21:51] T-Rod> big shogun heating up :pog:
[21:51] merciless1> ty. :wearY:
[21:51] T-Rod> calm down
[21:51] [GoD]spinnifix> should i transfer this information to the government of iran
[21:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> just join n chek best tord
[21:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> trod
[21:51] urepopulous2 in
[21:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> wheres the harm
[21:51] T-Rod> aaah wish i could
[21:51] merciless1> koopa stfu u fag
[21:51] merciless1> leaving like the dam fag u are
[21:51] merciless1> to save ur shit ass rank
[21:51] merciless1> comwe here bitch
[21:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> maybe u hit every stroke of luk n dont get to ally diego hw n tsu n ninety
[21:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> sumhow :monkahmm:
[21:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> :peped:
[21:51] T-Rod> ninety is gud ally
[21:51] merciless1> says the guy i raped 1v1 pp
[21:51] merciless1> lmfaoooooooooooo
[21:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmao wanna go diego?
[21:52] T-Rod> shogun lost under 7 min our last pp game
[21:52] merciless1> i pas ur shit ass fake rank below my balls koopa
[21:52] merciless1> the sho rules
[21:52] T-Rod> when hes ally even doubled me
[21:52] merciless1> what ally ?
[21:52] [GoD]spinnifix> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[21:52] merciless1> lmao
[21:52] T-Rod> don gato
[21:52] adray_tsi in
[21:52] [Rw]Ninety> [17:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> maybe u hit every stroke of luk n dont get to ally diego hw n tsu n ninety
[21:52] T-Rod> he doubled me
[21:52] [Rw]Ninety> 5 vs 3
[21:52] merciless1> i had no ally at all
[21:52] T-Rod> u had so many allies, yet u still dont make fws or convert wildies
[21:52] T-Rod> and say its their fault
[21:53] T-Rod> :kekw:
[21:53] T-Rod> :topkek:
[21:53] merciless1> i went to expand an useless ally, guy died, and i got owned cos i didnt evne had time to go front, it ssimple.
[21:53] T-Rod> :lmao:
[21:53] merciless1> bet it wa ssuper hard to kill him eh rod ?
[21:53] T-Rod> never walked more easily anyones base
[21:53] merciless1> only took u 1 blast adn look at u bragging
[21:53] merciless1> lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[21:53] [Rw]Jops in
[21:53] T-Rod> looool
[21:53] [Rw]Ninety> im starting to feel happy i died there tbh
[21:53] [Rw]Ninety> :D
[21:53] Zpektrix_TAS> im the one not allying hw and koopa
[21:53] Zpektrix_TAS> their trash talk in game
[21:54] [Rw]Ninety> noone wants to ally noone, lets go 8p ffa
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> wtf did i say?
[21:54] T-Rod> shogun dont make troops on walls either
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> that was all hw
[21:54] T-Rod> he blames allies not winning all blast diels
[21:54] T-Rod> dules
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> i coulda said something n normally i would
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> but i had my mind on other shit
[21:54] [GoD]spinnifix> Host Trod
[21:54] merciless1> im the nfkin best
[21:54] merciless1> end off
[21:54] T-Rod> yaa best on pp
[21:54] T-Rod> clearly
[21:54] merciless1> 1v1 me
[21:54] merciless1> u host
[21:54] merciless1> make me yellow
[21:54] T-Rod> u even converted my side wildies
[21:54] T-Rod> was funny
[21:54] merciless1> GOGOGOGOO
[21:54] merciless1> IDCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
[21:55] T-Rod> callm down bruh
[21:55] [Rw]Ninety> go spin we got rid of the deadwood
[21:55] [Rw]Ninety> 6p
[21:55] T-Rod> callmmm ur tiitttiiies
[21:55] T-Rod> :nice:;
[21:55] merciless1> DESKTOP*
[21:55] merciless1> GOGOGOGO FAGGIT
[21:56] merciless1> go pp trod
[21:56] merciless1> i show u no mercy
[21:56] [Rw]Ninety> manito
[21:56] [Rw]Ninety> galera hoje aqui todos viados
[21:56] merciless1> :))
[21:56] [GoD]spinnifix> no puedo empezar pq tenemos unas idiotas ahora
[21:57] [GoD]spinnifix> en nuestra casa
[21:57] T-Rod> dude 7 min u quit the game
[21:57] [GoD]spinnifix> esperamos a dos mas
[21:57] merciless1> LoooooooooooooooL
[21:57] T-Rod> its no fun with u
[21:57] Zpektrix_TAS> spin are you playing or not
[21:57] merciless1> spin 11/10 spanish man
[21:57] [GoD]spinnifix> +2 dude
[21:57] T-Rod> like why would i ever play with u on pp again
[21:57] Zpektrix_TAS> we fucking dont have +2
[21:57] merciless1> u guys se it ye ?
[21:57] T-Rod> how deluded are u
[21:57] merciless1> trod scared
[21:57] Maganha_OP> lol manito
[21:57] [Rw]Jops> SHAZAM
[21:57] merciless1> gg
[21:57] Maganha_OP> desperdicio de tempo tentar jogar pop
[21:57] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + Maganha_OP + [Rw]Jops vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Ninety + merciless1 + [D]Nightfury
[21:57] T-Rod> u go play with spin the guy who makes unfair teams for others
[21:57] Maganha_OP> os caras tem mais de 30 anos
[21:57] [Rw]Jops> but also 1 min so i can close FM down
[21:57] T-Rod> nonstop
[21:57] Maganha_OP> e parecem que tem 15 ainda
[21:57] merciless1> vai
[21:57] merciless1> para
[21:57] merciless1> o
[21:58] merciless1> caralho
[21:58] [GoD]spinnifix> Trod i make fair Teams
[21:58] [GoD]spinnifix> Only
[21:58] [Rw]Ninety> manito meu timi e un caralho
[21:58] jlopezrosso out
[21:58] merciless1> spin
[21:58] [Rw]Ninety> gg mesmo isso
[21:58] merciless1> i give u ninety
[21:58] jlopezrosso in
[21:58] merciless1> n take u
[21:58] Maganha_OP> da para jogar
[21:58] merciless1> :peped:
[21:58] [GoD]spinnifix> r u crazy
[21:58] [Rw]Ninety> yes spin pls switch me
[21:58] [GoD]spinnifix> we playing or not
[21:58] [Rw]Ninety> save me
[21:58] T-Rod> just put tsu hw and shogun same team
[21:58] merciless1> yes, so DU ET
[21:59] T-Rod> and delax ofc
[21:59] Maganha_OP> just go lol
[21:59] [GoD]spinnifix> ?
[21:59] Maganha_OP> jesus
[21:59] [GoD]spinnifix> doing best
[21:59] [GoD]spinnifix> dude
[21:59] T-Rod> tf´s taking so long
[21:59] T-Rod> just launchy
[21:59] dictatorjulio> 1v1?
[21:59] [Rw]Jops> I dont feel like they are unbalanced lol
[21:59] merciless1> best vid ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rckNMpV75XU&ab_channel=Populous3Tutorials
[21:59] Garbageman out
[21:59] [Rw]Ninety> they are jops
[21:59] [Rw]Ninety> my team gonna implode
[21:59] [Rw]Ninety> in 5 mins
[21:59] T-Rod> looooool
[21:59] [Rw]Jops> bsed on what
[21:59] [Rw]Ninety> i bet
[21:59] [Rw]Ninety> on average iq
[22:00] [Rw]Jops> Im basically Christo
[22:00] merciless1> watch trod light his own shaman guys
[22:00] [Rw]Jops> oh yeah IQ wise you fucked
[22:00] merciless1> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^link up there
[22:00] jlopezrosso out
[22:00] merciless1> could any1 be dumber
[22:00] jlopezrosso in
[22:00] merciless1> have never seen any1 fkin light hes own shaman
[22:00] merciless1> in my entire pop career
[22:00] merciless1> NEVER
[22:01] merciless1> big trod :topkek:
[22:01] T-Rod> and yet still he wins games
[22:01] dictatorjulio out
[22:01] T-Rod> :pog:
[22:01] dictatorjulio in
[22:01] T-Rod> u should watch till end theres planty to go
[22:02] [GoD]Eric out
[22:03] [D]Nightfury in
[22:06] [D]Nightfury out
[22:10] Invisible out
[22:11] Invisible in
[22:11] [AsG]Godzilla out
[22:11] guitaryente> fuck
[22:11] [D]Jozef> gg
[22:11] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[22:12] [D]Jozef> my shaman improves
[22:13] Cyborg> joseph i think its better not to think too much where you move shaman because then it will be easier for enemy to find out your moving pattern
[22:13] [D]Jozef> i would agree
[22:13] [GoD]Intrepid> joseph
[22:13] [GoD]Intrepid> https://clips.twitch.tv/JazzySteamyChimpanzeeCoolStoryBob-LQEh8IvAq21ku351
[22:13] Cyborg> 3 more
[22:13] Cyborg> host
[22:13] Cyborg> someone
[22:13] [GoD]Intrepid> yesterrday i got saved too
[22:14] [GoD]Intrepid> :Kek:
[22:14] [D]Jozef> lmao
[22:14] [D]Jozef> epic
[22:14] [D]Jozef> even better it was a light xD
[22:14] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[22:15] Cyborg> mibbel guitaryente join
[22:15] [D]Jozef> ossur why not play your v game
[22:15] [GoD]Intrepid> and joseph sending spy :monkastab:
[22:16] [D]Jozef> :monkagun:
[22:16] Cyborg> im just learning the basics at the moment
[22:16] [D]Jozef> timing 1/10
[22:16] Cyborg> i play for 1 hour max
[22:16] Cyborg> then i take a break
[22:16] [D]Jozef> ohh
[22:16] Cyborg> i just crafted a bone axe
[22:16] [D]Jozef> i just bought so we can play together
[22:16] Cyborg> really
[22:16] [D]Jozef> no :monkagun:
[22:17] [D]Jozef> i tricked ya
[22:17] Cyborg> have you played
[22:17] Cyborg> baldurs gate or divinity ?
[22:17] [D]Jozef> Yea i have bg3
[22:17] [D]Jozef> for xbox
[22:17] [D]Jozef> not divinity
[22:17] Cyborg> its completely like baldurs gate 3
[22:17] Cyborg> its only better
[22:17] [D]Jozef> theres only one div :monkamega:
[22:17] Cyborg> its also on x box
[22:18] Cyborg> you can buy it on xbox
[22:18] [D]Jozef> well i looked and it seems like diablo
[22:18] [D]Jozef> whats it called again
[22:18] Cyborg> v rising
[22:18] [GoD]Intrepid> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185060451
[22:18] Cyborg> its not like diablo
[22:18] [GoD]Intrepid> 3:38
[22:18] Cyborg> its more like bg3
[22:18] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[22:18] [D]Jozef> its not on xbox
[22:19] [D]Jozef> anndddd ive hit my quota for impulsive purchases for the month :kekyou:
[22:21] merciless1> unfair as fk teams spin
[22:21] merciless1> u give us fkin hw as center
[22:21] merciless1> n u get tsu ?
[22:21] merciless1> u gotta be kidding me u faggot
[22:21] [GoD]Intrepid> :peped:
[22:22] T-Rod> oh well i feel u shogun spins doing shit lately alot
[22:22] [D]Jozef> shocking news
[22:22] T-Rod> yet u deserve it
[22:22] T-Rod> being as dumym as u are
[22:22] [D]Hawk_Tuah in
[22:22] [D]Jozef> :howdy:
[22:22] [GoD]Intrepid> should have quit under 4 min
[22:22] [GoD]Intrepid> :peped:
[22:23] T-Rod> yaa was bit late i think
[22:23] T-Rod> loool
[22:23] merciless1> why is bianca dancing over my rage comments tho
[22:23] merciless1> i like it i join her :peped:
[22:23] merciless1> still got the muvs
[22:23] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:23] [D]Jozef> :peped:
[22:23] [D]Jozef> rage party
[22:23] [GoD]Intrepid> :peped:
[22:23] merciless1> :jedi:
[22:24] T-Rod> dunno what u mean hw being mid
[22:24] Invisible out
[22:24] T-Rod> according to hw hes best mid base eva
[22:24] [D]Jozef> :cooldoge:
[22:24] T-Rod> :nice:
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> :nice:
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> :peepofap:
[22:24] T-Rod> then he complains spin getting tsu
[22:24] T-Rod> looool
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> according to hw he is best ever
[22:24] T-Rod> this shit is hilarious
[22:24] T-Rod> :kek:
[22:25] [D]Jozef> :applethonk:
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[22:25] Nici> :stonks:
[22:25] T-Rod> rm switcch hw and tsu
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> where do you find those joseph
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[22:25] [D]Jozef> popre.net/emoji.php
[22:25] Nici> :hawk_tuah:
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> ah lol
[22:25] [D]Hawk_Tuah> DEMOLISHED
[22:25] [D]Hawk_Tuah> SHAVED
[22:25] [D]Hawk_Tuah> WREKT
[22:25] T-Rod> shashed
[22:25] [D]Hawk_Tuah> OWNED
[22:25] [D]Hawk_Tuah> PWNED
[22:25] T-Rod> smashed
[22:26] [D]Jozef> :monkastab::div:
[22:26] [D]Hawk_Tuah> ANIHILATED
[22:26] T-Rod> :pray:
[22:26] [D]Jozef> :V
[22:26] merciless1> MASTURBATED
[22:26] [D]Hawk_Tuah> :owut:
[22:26] merciless1> :peepofap:
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> :chains: :trod: :chains:
[22:26] [D]Jozef> apologies master
[22:26] [D]Jozef> idk what came over me
[22:26] [D]Hawk_Tuah> whys italy so bad?
[22:26] [D]Hawk_Tuah> can someone explain
[22:26] [D]Jozef> lol
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> i wanna know too
[22:26] Nici> only 4 good players in that squad
[22:26] [Rw]Ninety> they got away with playing shit football for so long, about time it caught up to them
[22:26] Zpektrix_TAS> lololol
[22:26] Nici> and thats a lot
[22:27] [Rw]Jops> man i didnt need to do anything in thaty
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:27] T-Rod> becourse they live in a boot?
[22:27] [Rw]Jops> thanks guys
[22:27] [Rw]Ninety> like 90 years they got away with it
[22:27] [D]Jozef> :feelsbatonman:
[22:27] Nici> italy'«s never played well anyway
[22:27] Nici> just defend well
[22:27] MrSmokin_hottie26> theress a newwwwww dayyy thatt issssssss freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
[22:27] Nici> not this time
[22:27] [D]Jozef> S0ma entered the chat
[22:27] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhkkkkk
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> hw was so shit
[22:27] Nici> it's been hard to replace chiellini and bonucci
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> as back base
[22:27] merciless1> koopa stfu ur gonna make it rain
[22:27] [Rw]Jops> Nici> only 4 good players in that squad
[22:27] merciless1> tf
[22:27] MrSmokin_hottie26> onlyyyyyyy luvvvvvvvv willllllll settt ussss freeeeeeeee~
[22:28] [D]Hawk_Tuah> it's gonna have to be us owning germany
[22:28] [Rw]Jops> basically this, Italy are dross
[22:28] Nici> yea
[22:28] [Rw]Jops> Tsu he cant have been as bad as me rofl
[22:28] Nici> Immobile used to be the problem, not anymore lmao
[22:28] Nici> they wish they had him there
[22:28] [D]Jozef> Feel so left out of the soccer chat :feelsbadman:
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS> nah jops did better than hw
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS> with that small base
[22:28] Nici> not surprised
[22:28] Nici> :feelssuperhappyman:
[22:29] T-Rod> me 2 joseph
[22:29] T-Rod> we watch ice hockey
[22:29] [D]Jozef> thats popular here too
[22:29] T-Rod> football is like " hell naw"
[22:29] Babo in
[22:29] [D]Jozef> in usa every sport is lol
[22:29] [D]Jozef> but soccer on the lower end
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> their sub 9 is an unknown argie they stole while he played in like the shittest team here
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> retegui
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> awful af
[22:29] [Rw]Jops> yeah thats hilariopus
[22:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> the fruity folks gravitate to soccer in the states
[22:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> prolly explains y its so big in europe
[22:30] [D]Jozef> lol
[22:30] [Rw]Ninety> ok redneck
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> your seriously telling me there wasnt a good italian born between 95 and 2005 that can score
[22:30] T-Rod> fruity folks loool, tf that means
[22:30] T-Rod> lool
[22:30] adray_tsi out
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> I like american sports
[22:30] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[22:30] [D]Jozef> :applethonk:
[22:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> eyyy im speaking the truth its a known fact
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> but it basically boils down to, "WHY ARENT WE SCORING, THATS THE ONLY BIT WE LIKE|"
[22:31] T-Rod> is fruity like banana shaped
[22:31] T-Rod> of what
[22:31] T-Rod> loool
[22:31] T-Rod> or
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> shows how dumb americans are, no room for nuance
[22:31] [GoD]Intrepid> :butterthonk:
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> if they invented soccer, they never would have added crossbars
[22:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoo cmon bro use that noggin of urs
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> "yeah the goal has no top its amazing"
[22:31] [Rw]Ninety> delax still in game, could have used that afkness before the game started
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> "so goalies were pointless, we just added anoither striker"
[22:31] [Rw]Ninety> save me a horrid time
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> I liked your BD
[22:32] [Rw]Jops> your shaman was aids, but the BD was good
[22:32] Nici> lol argentinians and italy
[22:32] [Rw]Ninety> never mattered
[22:32] merciless1> gn nerd su all suk :howdy:
[22:32] Nici> reminds me of Catania some years ago xD
[22:32] merciless1 out
[22:32] [Rw]Ninety> game was over as soon i had sho on my team
[22:32] [Rw]Ninety> at least hw tries
[22:32] [Rw]Jops> yeah thats true
[22:33] [Rw]Jops> the secone sho faces some adversity he calls everyone shit and leaves
[22:33] [Rw]Jops> HW too dumb to realise the game is over and fights to the end like a chamop
[22:33] [Rw]Jops> HW is like rocky
[22:33] [Rw]Jops> braindead and just keeps going
[22:33] [Rw]Ninety> lmao
[22:33] [D]Jozef> well hw<tsu as big tbf
[22:33] [Rw]Jops> obviously Spin is Ivan Drago
[22:33] [D]Jozef> i see Sho's point there
[22:33] [D]Nightfury in
[22:34] [Rw]Ninety> point is hw was telling tsu shit 10 mins before
[22:34] [Rw]Ninety> ol
[22:34] [Rw]Ninety> as big base
[22:34] [D]Jozef> lol
[22:34] Nici> lol
[22:34] [Rw]Jops> lol
[22:34] [Rw]Jops> at one point tsu said to me
[22:34] Nici> thats funny af
[22:34] [Rw]Jops> "move your FW"
[22:34] [Rw]Ninety> i feel tsu, he had to ally hw and koopa
[22:34] [Rw]Jops> which one! he never said another word
[22:34] [Rw]Ninety> thats demotivating as it gets
[22:35] adray_tsi in
[22:35] [D]Jozef> kpa solid ally
[22:35] [Rw]Ninety> na
[22:35] [D]Nightfury out
[22:35] T-Rod> so many solid allies here
[22:36] Nici> hw super solid
[22:36] [Rw]Jops> lol
[22:36] [D]Hawk_Tuah> help wotg isnt desyncing
[22:36] T-Rod> loool
[22:37] [D]Jozef> :V
[22:37] Nici> solidificates in his base
[22:37] Zpektrix_TAS> fix level 12
[22:37] Nici> until game ends
[22:37] Zpektrix_TAS> it always crashes
[22:37] Nici> they should make wotg 2
[22:37] Nici> those campaigns are so interesting to play
[22:38] [D]Jozef> i enjoyed yes
[22:38] [D]Jozef> theres two already isnt therE?
[22:38] [D]Hawk_Tuah> imagine finding out the reason of desyncs
[22:38] [D]Jozef> or sarcasm :monkahmm:
[22:38] Nici> yea 2 mappacks but 25 maps
[22:38] Nici> 25 = 1
[22:38] Maganha_OP> manito
[22:38] [Rw]Ninety> they could use some lore
[22:38] [D]Jozef> oh
[22:38] Maganha_OP> arg joga hoje?
[22:38] [Rw]Ninety> sim
[22:38] [Rw]Ninety> vs peru
[22:38] Nici> contra quem
[22:38] Maganha_OP> bom jogo
[22:38] Maganha_OP> 22h?
[22:38] Nici> peru peru
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> nos jogamos com todos subs
[22:39] T-Rod> everyone knows theres away to desync the game
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> acho
[22:39] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:39] Nici> edison flores
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> 21hs aqui
[22:39] [D]Hawk_Tuah> adoro peru
[22:39] Maganha_OP> yh deve ser 22h aqui entao
[22:39] [GoD]spinnifix out
[22:39] Nici> ha um peruano jogando no sao paulo
[22:39] Maganha_OP> é triste ver o brasil jogando
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> em 2:20 hs
[22:39] Nici> nao lembro o nome
[22:39] Nici> ivan que
[22:39] [D]Jozef> if you click on your shamans moose knuckle the game desyncs
[22:39] Maganha_OP> nao tem graça sem o neymar
[22:39] Maganha_OP> no sao paulo nao mais
[22:39] Maganha_OP> tinha o cueva
[22:39] Maganha_OP> mas anos atras
[22:39] Nici> ahhhhh
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> eu nao gosta de vini e rodrygo
[22:40] Nici> cristiano couves
[22:40] T-Rod> have noone ever wondered why sometimes game recyncs so many times atb
[22:40] Maganha_OP> vini é horrivel no brasil
[22:40] T-Rod> ofc someone gets bad converts
[22:40] Maganha_OP> só no real que jogas bem
[22:40] [GoD]Intrepid> lol trod
[22:40] Nici> mag é fã de neymar
[22:40] Nici> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[22:40] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[22:40] [D]Jozef> imagine this
[22:40] [D]Hawk_Tuah> resyncs at start
[22:40] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:40] Maganha_OP> gosto dele xD
[22:40] [D]Hawk_Tuah> total normal beta behaviour
[22:40] Nici> mesmo assim gosto mais do neymar que do cr7
[22:40] T-Rod> i mean u do whatever neseccary to get best conve
[22:40] T-Rod> rts
[22:40] [Rw]Ninety> cr tem muito hater en pt mesmo
[22:40] Maganha_OP> lol pq
[22:41] Nici> tem poucos
[22:41] Maganha_OP> no brasil o neymar tem muito haters
[22:41] Nici> são os sem cérebro
[22:41] Maganha_OP> por causa da carreira
[22:41] [Rw]Ninety> nao se mais todos os portugueses que conozco nao gostam dele
[22:41] Nici> só conheces portugueses inteligentes <3
[22:41] Nici> ah sim
[22:41] Maganha_OP> messi machucou na ultima partida?
[22:41] [Rw]Ninety> sim
[22:41] [Rw]Ninety> um pouco
[22:41] Nici> o Neymar vai sempre para o Carnaval né ?
[22:41] Nici> :D
[22:41] [Rw]Ninety> ele esta viejo demais
[22:41] [Rw]Ninety> como diz viejo en pt?
[22:41] Maganha_OP> velho
[22:42] Nici> velho
[22:42] Maganha_OP> sim nici
[22:42] [Rw]Ninety> velho
[22:42] Maganha_OP> sempre em festa lol
[22:42] Maganha_OP> os jornais daqui odeiam ele
[22:42] Nici> ele faz a diferença,. mesmo que ja nao seja o que foi
[22:42] Nici> nunca devia ter saído do barcelona
[22:42] [Rw]Ninety> hoje e o momento do GARNACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[22:42] Zpektrix_TAS> jops
[22:42] Zpektrix_TAS> i pinged your fw
[22:42] Maganha_OP> sim, maior cagada dele
[22:42] Zpektrix_TAS> watch pings more often
[22:42] Nici> garnacho o espano-argentino
[22:42] [Rw]Jops> Oh i never saw the ping
[22:42] Nici> hispano
[22:42] Maganha_OP> ainda que jogou pra caralho no psg
[22:42] [Rw]Jops> I looked for the notification
[22:42] Nici> kkkkkkkkk
[22:43] [Rw]Ninety> nacio no espana
[22:43] [Rw]Ninety> mais sus pais som arg
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> i pinged yours
[22:43] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:43] [Rw]Jops> yeah I didnt see the notification
[22:43] Maganha_OP> nao sabia disso
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> but spin killed him after 5secs later
[22:43] Maganha_OP> o andreas pereira é igual
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> you didnt move your fw
[22:43] Maganha_OP> nasceu na belgica
[22:43] Maganha_OP> e os pais brasileiros
[22:43] Nici> pois é hahaha
[22:43] [Rw]Jops> probs why i couldnt find him
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> you did it late
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[22:43] Maganha_OP> nici
[22:43] [Rw]Jops> lol
[22:43] Zpektrix_TAS> at least i did communicate in time
[22:43] Maganha_OP> assisti o jogo de pt
[22:44] Maganha_OP> que perderam
[22:44] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:44] Maganha_OP> jogo horrivel
[22:44] Zpektrix_TAS> ping + chat
[22:44] Zpektrix_TAS> ppl only ping these days
[22:44] Nici> sim
[22:44] Nici> portugal nunca joga bem também
[22:44] Nici> ver os jogos é perda de tempo mesmo
[22:44] Shakur in
[22:44] Maganha_OP> aqui teve gente colocando portugal como favorita
[22:44] Nici> todos sentem obrigação de passar a bola ao cr7, ele estraga tudo
[22:44] [Rw]Ninety> sua camisa e bela igualmente :p
[22:44] Nici> com a pressão que põe nos colegas
[22:45] Maganha_OP> sinto isso tambem
[22:45] [D]Jozef> shakur is here without shimaga :monkamega:
[22:45] Maganha_OP> ele só reclama se nao recebe a bola
[22:45] Maganha_OP> wtf
[22:45] Nici> ya
[22:45] [GoD]Intrepid> :pog:
[22:45] [Rw]Jops> literally about to ask where Shim is
[22:45] [D]Hawk_Tuah> calma aquilo era os suplentes a jogar, confia
[22:45] [D]Hawk_Tuah> TÁ GANHO
[22:45] [D]Hawk_Tuah> a minha cobra disse
[22:45] Shakur> shimaga is coming
[22:45] [Rw]Jops> or Chase!
[22:45] Shakur> :)
[22:45] Maganha_OP> wtf é o div
[22:45] Maganha_OP> que nick merda
[22:45] Maganha_OP> fdp
[22:45] Nici> se for a pagina de portugal no insta, só gente estrageira doente da cabeça a falar merda lool
[22:45] Nici> "start cr7 or unfollow"
[22:45] [D]Hawk_Tuah> conhece o hawk tuah?
[22:45] [D]Hawk_Tuah> spit on that thang
[22:45] Nici> ja vi o video disso
[22:45] Nici> lool
[22:45] Maganha_OP> sempre tem os doentes que preferem os jogadores
[22:46] [D]Hawk_Tuah> mas ya a melhor parte desse jogo foi o ronaldo ser substituido
[22:46] [D]Hawk_Tuah> e chorar
[22:46] [Rw]Ninety> pt no insta debe ser tudo real fans por cr7
[22:46] Nici> doentes mentais,
[22:46] Maganha_OP> frança x alemanha final?
[22:46] Nici> tudo á volta da madame
[22:46] Maganha_OP> acho o mais provavel
[22:46] Maganha_OP> time de pt é bom demais
[22:46] Nici> hmmm
[22:46] Nici> não seii
[22:47] Maganha_OP> ainda acho a zaga meio ruim
[22:47] Maganha_OP> mas o meio é bom
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> suica austria final
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> acho eu
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> :D
[22:47] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:47] Nici> ainda não vi seleção que tenha andado consistente, talvez espanha até agora
[22:47] Nici> dude
[22:47] Maganha_OP> tem espenha esquec
[22:47] Nici> austria is so good
[22:47] Nici> ralf rangnick masterclass
[22:47] [D]Hawk_Tuah> frança alemanha é impossivel
[22:47] [D]Nightfury out
[22:47] Nici> ya
[22:47] [Rw]Jops> yeah Austria are great
[22:47] Nici> tão do mesmo lado
[22:47] Maganha_OP> ops
[22:47] Maganha_OP> nao vi isso
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> I thought Sabitzer was so average at Manure
[22:48] Shimaga in
[22:48] [Rw]Ninety> franca inglaterra
[22:48] Shakur> im waiting for SHimaga honestly
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> but hes so good for Austria
[22:48] Nici> https://www.uefa.com/euro2024/fixtures-results/bracket/
[22:48] T-Rod> k lets get u both in
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> hes here
[22:48] Shakur> Good idea :)
[22:48] [D]Jozef> Theres the cousin
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> ahhh
[22:48] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> we need 8
[22:48] Shimaga> yo fellas
[22:48] Maganha_OP> suiça passa da inglaterra?
[22:48] [Rw]Ninety> nici o mag vem jogar
[22:48] Maganha_OP> nao vi eles jogando
[22:48] T-Rod> +1
[22:48] [Rw]Ninety> ?
[22:48] Nici> a pergunta é mais
[22:48] T-Rod> nici join
[22:49] Nici> se a suiça passa da eslovaquiaq
[22:49] Nici> kkkkkkkkkkk
[22:49] [D]Jozef> shakur too loyal
[22:49] [D]Jozef> betray your fam man
[22:49] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:49] [D]Jozef> play a game without him
[22:49] Shimaga> nici join
[22:49] [D]Jozef> rank up higher etc
[22:49] [Rw]Ninety> mag
[22:49] [Rw]Jops> how dare you suggest that
[22:49] Nici> no, not playing sry
[22:49] [Rw]Ninety> copa america final?
[22:49] [D]Jozef> :V
[22:49] Shakur> Family above everything bro
[22:49] [Rw]Ninety> arg bra?
[22:49] [Rw]Jops> I try and avoid playing without Alan
[22:49] [Rw]Jops> its just not the same
[22:49] [Rw]Ninety> <3
[22:49] [D]Jozef> I avoid playing with alan*
[22:49] Shakur> I'll shoot for him
[22:49] Shimaga> ive always wanted to see u play nici
[22:49] [Rw]Jops> Raver too
[22:49] Maganha_OP> colombia ta bem
[22:49] Maganha_OP> mas acho que vai ser bra x arg mesmo
[22:50] Nici> im busy
[22:50] [Rw]Ninety> uruguay tmb
[22:50] Nici> another time :'(
[22:50] Shimaga> okey :(
[22:50] [D]Hawk_Tuah> nice uefa brackets
[22:50] [D]Jozef> when your idle lets you down :feelsbadman:
[22:50] [D]Hawk_Tuah> reminds me of challonge pop tourney
[22:50] [D]Hawk_Tuah> with addi
[22:50] [D]Jozef> idol**
[22:50] [D]Jozef> lol
[22:50] Maganha_OP> vai ser um jogo bom
[22:50] Maganha_OP> mas cho que ganham de novo
[22:50] Shimaga> jozef i could take a gunshot for shakur
[22:50] Shimaga> twice
[22:50] [D]Jozef> i was just kidding
[22:50] Shimaga> A GUNSHOT IN MY BALLZ
[22:50] [Rw]Ninety> nao sei, sim messi nao jogamos muito
[22:50] [D]Jozef> i agree with the philosophy
[22:51] [D]Jozef> Kpa
[22:51] Maganha_OP> ele deve voltar logo
[22:51] [D]Jozef> join old man
[22:51] [D]Hawk_Tuah> a suica ate jogou bem
[22:51] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:51] [Rw]Ninety> vamos a ver como jogamos vs peru sim ele
[22:51] [D]Jozef> is ninety speaking porugese
[22:51] [D]Jozef> portugeuse
[22:51] [Rw]Ninety> yes
[22:51] Maganha_OP> nici
[22:51] [D]Jozef> are you bilingual?
[22:52] Maganha_OP> viu o jogador que o chelsea comprou do palmeiras
[22:52] Shimaga> portuguese people are hairy
[22:52] Maganha_OP> tem 16/17 anos
[22:52] [D]Jozef> :kekw:
[22:52] [Rw]Jops> i mean he speaks english and spanish so
[22:52] [Rw]Ninety> no i just know enough to speak a mix beetwen spanish and portuguese and make myself understood
[22:52] [Rw]Jops> more like trilingual
[22:52] [D]Jozef> wow jops
[22:52] [D]Jozef> thanks for mansplaining that to me
[22:52] [D]Hawk_Tuah> i speak portuguese, english, brasilian, moçambiquean, cape verdean, angolan, and a few other
[22:52] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[22:53] [Rw]Jops> Div do you ever play anymore or just change your name and occasionally chat shit
[22:53] [D]Jozef> ^
[22:53] Maganha_OP> lolll
[22:53] [D]Hawk_Tuah> i play mostly
[22:53] Nici> o stephan williams
[22:53] [Rw]Jops> You seemed like you were struggling Jo
[22:53] Nici> estêvão
[22:53] Shimaga> other map then 4walls
[22:53] Shimaga> PLEASE
[22:53] Nici> melhor q endrick?
[22:53] Maganha_OP> isso
[22:53] [D]Hawk_Tuah> usually when jops is offline
[22:53] T-Rod> ok
[22:53] [D]Hawk_Tuah> so he can't track me
[22:53] [D]Jozef> trod
[22:53] [D]Jozef> go sess
[22:53] Maganha_OP> sim, bem melhor haahha
[22:53] [D]Jozef> best with these players
[22:53] Maganha_OP> pena ele ter ido pro chelsea
[22:53] Maganha_OP> vai virar um merda
[22:53] Nici> o chelsea contratou tanto br para emprestar lol
[22:54] Nici> mas esse espero que nao
[22:54] Maganha_OP> esse mlk é bom
[22:54] Maganha_OP> dribla demais
[22:54] Maganha_OP> faz gol
[22:54] Maganha_OP> eu acho melhor que o endrick, mesmo sendo posições diferentes
[22:54] Nici> vi o ultimo golo dele, bom golo
[22:54] Nici> siga uma pagina no insta que aparece os golos do brasileirão
[22:55] Nici> sigo *
[22:55] Nici> e serie B tbm
[22:55] Nici> mas so vejo isso, aqui nao passa muitos jogos
[22:55] Maganha_OP> deve ter visto vasco ganhando de 4 do sp lol
[22:55] Maganha_OP> vergonha
[22:55] Nici> lol, vi
[22:55] Garbageman in
[22:55] Nici> :@
[22:55] Maganha_OP> eu tava na rua e vi pelo celular
[22:55] Maganha_OP> quase quebrei
[22:56] Nici> foi preciso despedir o boinas para ganhar um jogo
[22:56] Maganha_OP> o cara ficou nem 1 mes rofl
[22:56] Nici> mas SP parece muito inconsistente,. não ?
[22:56] Maganha_OP> vasco é uma merda
[22:56] Maganha_OP> parece que agora sim, estavamos 12 jogos sem perder
[22:56] Maganha_OP> ganhamos o ultimo e vamos jogar amanha de novo
[22:57] Nici> grêmio x corinthians parece bom jogo para ver
[22:57] Maganha_OP> vai ser um lixo
[22:57] Nici> ahjahjahahashd
[22:57] Maganha_OP> os dois sao ruins
[22:57] Nici> vi o golo do vitoria vs fla
[22:57] Maganha_OP> tao brigando p nao cair lol
[22:57] Nici> flu *
[22:57] Maganha_OP> o flu em ultimo
[22:57] Maganha_OP> sim golaço do vitoria
[22:57] Nici> e o 11 deles não alterou assim tanto nos ultimos anos
[22:57] Maganha_OP> é o mesmo time que ganhou a libertadores ano passado
[22:57] Nici> mas como há copa america
[22:58] Maganha_OP> com marcelo jogando rofl
[22:58] Nici> nao sei quem foi convocado, se foram muitos ou n
[22:58] Maganha_OP> eles nao tiveram nenhum eu acho
[22:58] Nici> pois nem o cano foi chamado
[22:58] Maganha_OP> nao
[22:58] [GoD]FreeInca in
[22:58] Nici> aha
[22:59] Maganha_OP> o thiago silva voltou pro brasil pra cair
[22:59] Nici> ta a passar vasco x botafogo aqui
[22:59] Maganha_OP> coitado kkkk
[22:59] Nici> lol
[22:59] Nici> tenho pena dele
[22:59] Nici> merece mais
[22:59] Nici> coutinho também ;)
[22:59] Maganha_OP> ele veio pra se aposentar
[22:59] Maganha_OP> logo no vasco
[23:00] Maganha_OP> o corinthians joga com o palmeiras na segunda, bom jogo
[23:00] Mowgli in
[23:04] Cyborg> pathetic sess
[23:06] Babo out
[23:06] Babo in
[23:06] [Rw]Ninety> think its time to open a beer and prepare for the arg peru pre game
[23:06] [Rw]Jops> yeah man that was a gg
[23:07] T-Rod> gg wp
[23:07] [Rw]Jops> it was deffo close
[23:07] Shakur> gg
[23:07] Shimaga> ez
[23:07] Babo> happy bday NICI
[23:07] T-Rod> happy bd nici
[23:07] [GoD]Intrepid> and happy birthday loothill
[23:07] [D]Hawk_Tuah> Congratulations to: cloud_savage7 (33), [AsG]Pandi (26)
[23:07] Babo> happy bday :ng:
[23:07] [D]Hawk_Tuah> its not his bday
[23:07] [Rw]Ninety> parabens negros
[23:07] Shimaga> hbd
[23:07] [D]Jozef> I thought you were wrong babo
[23:07] [D]Hawk_Tuah> fake info
[23:08] [D]Jozef> but technically for you it is his bday :kekw:
[23:08] [D]Jozef> Happy Bday Nici
[23:08] T-Rod> div knows, nici wouldnt leave him out of the partie
[23:08] T-Rod> or would he
[23:08] [D]Hawk_Tuah> damn nici is a cancer
[23:08] T-Rod> :monkahmm:
[23:08] [D]Hawk_Tuah> makes sense
[23:08] [D]Hawk_Tuah> :crab:
[23:08] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[23:08] T-Rod> +1 pro
[23:08] Maganha_OP> melhor coisa que faz manito
[23:08] [D]Hawk_Tuah> because he likes fishfood
[23:09] Maganha_OP> uma cerveja vendo o jogo
[23:09] [D]Hawk_Tuah> liek*
[23:09] T-Rod> fishfood is guuud untill u start eating alive octopusses
[23:09] T-Rod> :nice:
[23:09] [D]Jozef> Happy bday loothill too
[23:10] T-Rod> tell me teams
[23:10] T-Rod> and i do em
[23:10] [Rw]Ninety> bom demais quando ja sabes que ja clasificamos
[23:10] [Rw]Jops> I dont really think it matters
[23:10] [Rw]Jops> in theory you can take me and Shak
[23:10] [GoD]spinnifix> Game ?
[23:10] Cyborg> front
[23:10] T-Rod> shak is shammy rank
[23:10] Cyborg> back
[23:10] T-Rod> tho
[23:10] Maganha_OP> lol achava que peru tava bem
[23:10] Babo> albert
[23:10] Maganha_OP> chile e peru 1 ponto
[23:10] Babo> der GOAT hat geburtstag
[23:11] [GoD]spinnifix> Echt ?
[23:11] [GoD]Intrepid> und loothill auch
[23:11] [GoD]Intrepid> gleicher tag
[23:11] Babo> yes
[23:11] Babo> gabber und ich haben auch am gleichen tag lmao
[23:11] [GoD]Intrepid> ich und inca auch
[23:11] [GoD]Intrepid> und venom und joseph
[23:11] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[23:11] [GoD]spinnifix> Hýý steht gar nicht auf fb
[23:11] [GoD]spinnifix> Hat er echt ?
[23:12] [GoD]Intrepid> ja
[23:12] dictatorjulio out
[23:12] dictatorjulio in
[23:13] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[23:14] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:14] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:14] jlopezrosso out
[23:15] jlopezrosso in
[23:15] Garbageman out
[23:16] jlopezrosso out
[23:16] Cyborg> rematch guys
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> wtf happened there
[23:17] Cyborg> walls
[23:17] Cyborg> and make me back
[23:17] jlopezrosso in
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> who were you allied to
[23:17] T-Rod> mowgli left?
[23:17] Cyborg> yeah
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> did you quit?
[23:17] Cyborg> yes
[23:17] Cyborg> he did
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> oh
[23:17] T-Rod> why would he quit
[23:17] T-Rod> since he hadbest allies
[23:17] [D]Jozef> do you not know mowgli
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> assume it took him 3 mins to realise he didnt have you
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> at which point he bailed
[23:17] Cyborg> kk
[23:17] Mowgli> sorry
[23:17] Cyborg> lets rematch
[23:18] Cyborg> too late
[23:18] Cyborg> .
[23:18] Mowgli> my laptop run out of power
[23:18] T-Rod> aaah ok
[23:18] [Rw]Jops> oh lol
[23:18] Cyborg> 3v3
[23:18] T-Rod> didnt believe u quit
[23:18] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> sorry
[23:18] [Rw]Jops> I had Trod and... someone?
[23:18] T-Rod> shakur
[23:18] Shakur> me
[23:18] [Rw]Jops> ahhhh
[23:18] T-Rod> rm ?
[23:18] Shakur> We were going to PWN them
[23:18] jlopezrosso out
[23:18] Shakur> :)
[23:18] T-Rod> wanna join mowgli or no?
[23:18] [Rw]Jops> yeah lets finish that
[23:18] jlopezrosso in
[23:18] Cyborg> shakur used to be shaman level back in 2000
[23:18] Cyborg> mowgli
[23:18] Cyborg> join
[23:18] Cyborg> hurry
[23:18] T-Rod> so is shimaga
[23:19] [D]Jozef> back when you got shaman by playing often
[23:19] [D]Jozef> not skill :kekw:
[23:19] [Rw]Jops> i mean i played w/ shak for years
[23:19] [Rw]Jops> he was never shaman
[23:19] Shimaga> i was max fw
[23:19] Shimaga> like for 3 days
[23:19] T-Rod> what were ur guys spots?
[23:19] Cyborg> shakur and shimaga
[23:19] [Rw]Jops> I was back base
[23:19] Shimaga> strip tease club
[23:19] jlopezrosso> update
[23:19] Cyborg> same team
[23:19] Luxray in
[23:19] Shimaga> fav spot
[23:19] T-Rod> who was backj base
[23:19] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> :+3:
[23:19] [Rw]Jops> cyborg for them?
[23:20] Cyborg> yes
[23:20] T-Rod> they have him
[23:20] Cyborg> make me back
[23:20] T-Rod> who was back base
[23:20] T-Rod> kk
[23:20] Shimaga> guys really
[23:20] [Rw]Ninety> Garnacho gonna start tonight fianllyyy
[23:20] [Rw]Ninety> Garnachoooooo
[23:21] [GoD]Intrepid> [D]Jozef - MapPack: OK
[23:21] [GoD]Intrepid> :thinking:
[23:22] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[23:23] dictatorjulio out
[23:23] Maganha_OP out
[23:23] dictatorjulio in
[23:23] Garbageman in
[23:26] [AsG]Manl1 in
[23:26] guitaryente> Agh
[23:26] guitaryente> Not walls
[23:26] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ok. Than no communication of "change map" then
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> just go away and be on your merry no game at all
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> that's best option for all players
[23:27] Garbageman> lol
[23:27] guitaryente> I will still playing minecraft
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> cool
[23:27] T-Rod> mowgli wtf man
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Minecraft is cool
[23:27] T-Rod> shouldnt quit
[23:27] guitaryente> So, idc what are u saying
[23:28] Mowgli> i faild building
[23:28] Mowgli> gg for me
[23:28] Shimaga> mowgli u coward
[23:28] Babo out
[23:28] Cyborg> mowgli stay out of the hut
[23:28] Shakur> Dude don't quit man why u do this
[23:28] Shakur> U ruin whole the game for 5 other ppl by doing this
[23:28] Shakur> U got allys that could of helped u
[23:28] [Rw]Jops> Koopa dont play with Mowgli he just gonna quit
[23:28] [D]Jozef> mowgli has quit 20% of his games
[23:29] [D]Jozef> and you are thinking he wont :monkahmm:
[23:29] Mowgli> xD
[23:30] [D]Jozef> hi Manu
[23:30] [GoD]Intrepid> :poof:
[23:30] [GoD]Intrepid out
[23:30] [D]Jozef> gn bian
[23:31] [AsG]Manl1> hi joseph <3
[23:32] [D]Hawk_Tuah out
[23:36] [D]Jozef> go discord
[23:36] [D]Jozef> on leafs
[23:36] [D]Jozef> :D
[23:54] 00Shaman in
[23:54] 00Shaman out
[23:55] 00Shaman in
[23:55] 00Shaman> hmm the hut is only showing 3 ppl
[23:55] 00Shaman> weird inca glitch
[23:56] Cyborg> 2vs2
[23:56] T-Rod> gg
[23:56] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> gg
[23:56] Shakur> gg
[23:56] 00Shaman> wtf
[23:56] Mowgli> gg
[23:56] 00Shaman> why you restrict me
[23:56] T-Rod> and me
[23:56] T-Rod> :mallcop:
[23:56] [Rw]Jops> cos ceebs to play you anymore t rod
[23:56] [Rw]Jops> i like you, but its not fun
[23:56] Cyborg> lol yeah i agree
[23:56] 00Shaman> but why restrict me?
[23:56] 00Shaman> lol
[23:56] [Rw]Jops> just a waste of 30 mins
[23:57] [Rw]Jops> well i was trying to get Shak and Shim in
[23:57] [Rw]Jops> and then Garbage stunk up the place
[23:57] Shimaga> heheheheh
[23:57] T-Rod> they both prolly hi9gher than me jops
[23:57] T-Rod> i just have early attacks
[23:57] 00Shaman> jps lemme in
[23:57] [Rw]Jops> just stop man
[23:57] Shakur> lemme just smoke
[23:57] T-Rod> do 4 v 4
[23:57] T-Rod> and lemmi in
[23:57] 00Shaman> man
[23:57] 00Shaman> this guy
[23:57] [Rw]Jops> Nah T you arent playing
[23:58] 00Shaman> plays for 18 years and just kicks everyone
[23:58] T-Rod> wow ur rude
[23:58] Shimaga> t plays like he is ai
[23:58] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I had 100 when you had 140
[23:58] Cyborg> mana battle?
[23:58] 00Shaman> i've been playing longer and i'm not an ass
[23:58] T-Rod> i am ai
[23:58] T-Rod> wtf
[23:58] [Rw]Jops> I dont kick everyone, i said I was trying to get saint and shim in
[23:58] [Rw]Jops> you were an unfortunate t rod related casualty
[23:58] Cyborg> im not playing this map
[23:58] 00Shaman> no courtesy to tell me to leave
[23:58] Cyborg> do mana battle or walls
[23:58] Cyborg> or way
[23:58] [Rw]Jops> obviously not retard
[23:58] 00Shaman> so it's ok to be an ass dude
[23:58] [Rw]Jops> its 4 player
[23:59] [Rw]Jops> 00 you about to get back in if cyborg doesnt shut the fuck up
[23:59] Garbageman out
[23:59] T-Rod> i feel highly offensive being left out cos had pro allied to carry me
[23:59] 00Shaman> jops what's your old EA name
[23:59] [Rw]Jops> well theres a space now
[23:59] [Rw]Jops> God
[23:59] T-Rod> never play with me again jops
[23:59] 00Shaman> nah ILuvB00bs was god
[23:59] 00Shaman> and Akira
[23:59] [Rw]Jops> I'm tryin not to T Rod!